serial number registration


New member
I had to reformat my computer this week and reinstall trainz. Now when I bring up cmp it says I have to register my serial number. I went to Auran site and my serial numbers are there for every version (including 2006) that I have owned and it says there that it can only be registered once. So how do I get cmp to work?

It is more than likely saying that because it can't check the status of your serial. Check your firewall settings etc.

There's a sticky post at the top of the DLS...etc section regarding it.

Incase of problems after reinstall

trs2006 on start screen click on options re-enter your username and password then save
this can sometimes solve this problem in 2006

trs2004 on start screen click on configure trains re-enter your username and password then save
also check start menu/programs/auran/edit kuid to re-enter your kuid
this can sometimes solve this problem in 2004

I hope this may be of some help for you
Hi Don,

CMP complains about registering your serial number if it cannot log onto the Auran site.
Check in CMP ... File/Settings/Internet and be sure your username and password are entered correctly, it may need redoing.
CMP can be finicky at times and take a while to log itself into the Auran server.
Thanks, I got it. I went to settings/ internet/ and clicked the box by manual proxy and it is okay now. Thanks everybody for the help.

Sorry I don't know of any. I had to do it several times before it would work so maybe you need to do that.
