I've decided to retexture and overhaul my Sequoia Scenic Route. Originally I wanted to just retexture the route to a summer theme for more variety in running conditions and to make it so that the snow wasn't so blinding when driving mid-day. The route's original texturing completely washed out the landscape, covering up my beginner's landscaping. So I decided to clean up the landscape and add and overhaul the rest of the route while I'm at it. It is still a work in progress, I'm almost 2/3 done.
Here are some before and afters.
Sequoia Station
Surlris Dome. In the background, you can see the trail I added to the route which takes hikers to Mt. Nightingale.
Foliage is one of the biggest additions I've made.
Part 1 of 2
Mount Nightingale. Unfortunately, even with Trainz 2022, Mount Nightingale is still too big to render properly.
I've heavily rebuilt the depot area around Mt. Nightingale, replaced the depot with an SP-style one matching the Sequoia Depot and added crossing signals.
I moved the wind turbines to be near the track so it looks like they were brought over on the railroad. I also added more steep hills in the background and rocks to complete the crater lake like I was trying to build. I also added more rocks as the steep slopes of the caldera would lead to rock slides.
The route is unfortunately still WIP. But I'll still be posting screenshots from the parts I've completed. I'm also repainting my assets to the new University of California colors since I just graduated from college, and using this as an opportunity to replace older assets. Expect more posts soon!