New member
First I apologize if this has been addressed, I searched.
I have been working on the Cajon Pass area for several years through 3 versions of Trainz, so it's been upgraded several times, fixed and repaired. I got it operational, AI got trains through route correctly, no cornfield meets. But it was quite ugly scenic wise, like a bad landscape painting. Thanks to the videos of Approach Medium, more RAM, etc., I refocused and decided to quit trying to just copy the real life route and scenery, but to modify a bit to add some local traffic, industries I want,etc. So I've been making progress, lovin' the game all over again.
But, after extended sessions of scenic work, NO Track work at all, I started a session to test line side camera placements, check my work. I was shocked my track was completely broke at one bridge on the south end, but I am used to that happening and have become quite adept at locating and repairing such breeches. It was what I found next that was much worse, the track at the east end, through some of my new scenic efforts, the trains are skating on thin air!!! Like an air hockey puck. This invisible box moves ahead of the trains advance erasing from view every track attached or adjacent item, signals, gantry, comm towers, crossing gates, switches, and so on.
In exiting driver and returning to the area in Surveyor, (It was the next day as it was late at night and I shut down and went to bed. Guess I hoped it would go away, get fixed by the 'Let's Reboot' gremlins that fix Windows all the time.) I find track missing in a long section, as well as a smaller section of fences, etc on the sides.
It's a display problem, had a similar problem right after SP2, but for a short piece of track, like an HO track section, and I just replaced that version with an update of JR ST #132. Which is in the new problem area.
Is it my settings, did I kill it by too much scenery? Trains roll smooth, probably because no resistance from the rails! I am at my perplexed with this one, it's beyond my normal hacking skills, and I don't want to start over, a lot of work went into this section. Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks in advance. Let me know if you need more details.
I have been working on the Cajon Pass area for several years through 3 versions of Trainz, so it's been upgraded several times, fixed and repaired. I got it operational, AI got trains through route correctly, no cornfield meets. But it was quite ugly scenic wise, like a bad landscape painting. Thanks to the videos of Approach Medium, more RAM, etc., I refocused and decided to quit trying to just copy the real life route and scenery, but to modify a bit to add some local traffic, industries I want,etc. So I've been making progress, lovin' the game all over again.
But, after extended sessions of scenic work, NO Track work at all, I started a session to test line side camera placements, check my work. I was shocked my track was completely broke at one bridge on the south end, but I am used to that happening and have become quite adept at locating and repairing such breeches. It was what I found next that was much worse, the track at the east end, through some of my new scenic efforts, the trains are skating on thin air!!! Like an air hockey puck. This invisible box moves ahead of the trains advance erasing from view every track attached or adjacent item, signals, gantry, comm towers, crossing gates, switches, and so on.
In exiting driver and returning to the area in Surveyor, (It was the next day as it was late at night and I shut down and went to bed. Guess I hoped it would go away, get fixed by the 'Let's Reboot' gremlins that fix Windows all the time.) I find track missing in a long section, as well as a smaller section of fences, etc on the sides.
It's a display problem, had a similar problem right after SP2, but for a short piece of track, like an HO track section, and I just replaced that version with an update of JR ST #132. Which is in the new problem area.
Is it my settings, did I kill it by too much scenery? Trains roll smooth, probably because no resistance from the rails! I am at my perplexed with this one, it's beyond my normal hacking skills, and I don't want to start over, a lot of work went into this section. Anyone have experience with this?
Thanks in advance. Let me know if you need more details.