Sensors or Detectors


New member
Hi all,this might be missleading but this is what I think I,m loking for.
I,m in queensland and along the coal lines up here, you see usually a series of 3 white verticle boxes about a foot square at rail height along the line about 15 meters apart.Sometimes they are both sides of line facing each other or only one on one side of line.I think they are to trigger signals,points,boom gates etc.
Can anybody tell me if this is what they are for and if they are on the dls,if so what under.
thanks for any reply.
They sound like Hot Axle Box Detectors, which is pretty much self explanatory.If the train has a hot axle box they detect the heat and the train is stopped at the next signal...:cool:
Thanks for reply Lewisner.
If they are hot box detectors they are about every half a kilometer along the line.Does anyone know if there are any on dls,done search but came up empty.