Sending Railroads to Trainz


New member
OK I transferred the railroads I built to a R/W disk then bought a new computer. I installed Trainz 2004 on the new computer and it works great except I don't know where to put my railroads from the CD. I tried putting them in maps and also Auran but they don't show up in Trainz. Any help would be appreciated.
all items from the Download Station are stored in your \World\Dispatcher\Downloads folder.

Make sure when you copy those folder there all the ones that say kuid_xxxxxx_xxxx go into your \World\Dispatcher\Downloads folder.

Also make sure when you are done to delete your world_cache_dispatcher.chump file from your \Cache folder as well.

Also make sure that you have updated to Service Pack 4 and have followed Lance_Jago's post on installing SP4 for TRS2004.


Thanks for your comeback Dave. I copied one of my railroads (Hazard Canyon) from my CD to the world/dispatcher/downloads folder in Trainz 2004. I know it is there and it also shows up in TrainzOptions (maps) but when I run Trainz it still doesn't show up in Surveyor or Driver. Anymore ideas would be appreciated.
Also when I try to access the two files you gave me (Service pack 4 and installing SP4) I get a message saying that I do not have permission to access these pages. I don't understand that. I'm a registered member.
Got any more ideas.
Hi Coinshooter,

Follow this link to the TRS 2004 SP4 download, select service packs, and you will see the link on the next page, then select your current build number for the correct SP. Basic instructions are on the page.

Your own maps should be placed in World/Custom/Maps folder and as mentioned delete the world_cache_dispatcher.chump file from your \Cache folder as well.
Hi aradlaw-I have installed one of my railroads in world/custom/maps. It shows the files:
Hazard Canyon.gnd
Hazard Canyon.trk
Hazard Canyon.bmk
Hazard Canyon.obs
I deleted the chump dispatcher file but I still get nothing in Surveyor or Driver. It shows up in the maps in TrainzObjectz. I don't know if it will help or not but now I'm going to download and install service pack 4. I'm currently in build 2145. If I have any luck I'll let you know and if you have any more ideas I sure could use them. I've had Trainz since the original version and used to be on this forum a lot under the name of Chuckster since about 2002. I got away from Trainz for quite awhile and just got a new computer and since I came back on here it seems like things have changed a lot. I installed the steam and passenger packs which I had disks for.
Thanks again for your help-Chuck
Hi Aradlaw-I just successfully installed service pack 4 and guess what. I now have my railroad. I'm one happy camper. I really want to thank you and Dave for your help. I have 6 more railroads that I have built and now I'm going to install them all from a CD. Plus I now have Murchison 2 high detail which wouldn't install before. Got to check that baby out. I'm a 71 year old kid at heart and Trainz has been one of the highlights of my computering.
Thanks again guys.-Chuck

Hi Aradlaw-I just successfully installed service pack 4 and guess what. I now have my railroad. I'm one happy camper. I really want to thank you and Dave for your help. I have 6 more railroads that I have built and now I'm going to install them all from a CD. Plus I now have Murchison 2 high detail which wouldn't install before. Got to check that baby out. I'm a 71 year old kid at heart and Trainz has been one of the highlights of my computering.
Thanks again guys.-Chuck

As a 73 year old "kid at heart" I am glad you got your routes going. TRAINZ is the greatest, and the people in this forum are some of the most helpful you will ever find.