Seeking Southern Pacific Route KUIDs


RR Mod Maker
found what looks to be a nice small route for SP to run Daylight on but four KUIDs are not there a way to search for what they are or might be?

grief if child not listed:'(

again Anniversary :)
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Hi John and thank you so much what a wonderful resource i will be sure to contribute.

and wow, looks like we may have trouble finding those four...i hope we can figure it out ...or maybe get in touch with the maker to see what they were. thank you both for the posts.
G'day, I have three of those missing but as I have not got around to checking out the route yet I don't know if they affect it or not. Normally if the missing assets do not affect the route I either replace any obviously missing assets with something suitable or use the delete missing assets trick.

;)Goto to this site, It you'll need to register first, it works great, and I would suggest donate if you can,

I ran your 103021:100023 and got 2 hits, one abandoned asset, but the link worked, and it gave me a CDP file for 40FT Boxcar, I didn't do the second link, I leave that up to you.

Also you can Google your Kuids too, be surprised a lot of times the Google will find them, and also give Forum links where that ASSET is discussed for you......:wave: Hope this helps you out.
Hi and thanks Blue yep someone suggested that site i will visit and leave a thank you for them too. thanks for checking much appreciated. I didnt know until today or yesterday now that missing KUIDs would not sabotage a route, it will just be missing what is not there. thanks for your and the other posts.