Screenshot of The Week: November 22 to November 29 2015 (Winter)



No year end season would be complete without a topping of fluffy white snow and a side of frozen trees. This week's theme is Winter. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.
Submission closes on November 29 at 12:00 mn UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

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CNW Mikado with a passenger train at Fall Creek, Wisconsin. Some overnight snowfall remains on the walkways.

I want to but there are far to many people who enter in these competitions and I still say what Generalman said was true about them.
When I said that I meant it as a passive joke. I didn't mean to discourage anyone, Matt.
I look at not winning one of these competitions as a method of improving. You get to see the winning shot, what was in it, and how the whole scene was put together, which shows you what the community prefers in a shot. By that, I TRY to do the best I can at being close to that standard.

Besides, the one time a did win (tied anyway) a while back I wasn't even recognized in the newsletter, but the person that I tied with was. :o
Mistake in the title fixed, several posts highlighting the issue cleaned up. Newsletter is under N3V's responsibility. Carry on.
The daily ELS local that runs between Crivitz and Pembine is seen here at Wausaukee Wisconsin

A duet of PRR M1b's, covering for some failed E-units, thunder around horseshoe curve in early winter pulling a holiday inflated passenger/mail train.(The consist has swollen from 10 to 19 coaches, warranting two M's on the steep grades out of Altoona.) Passing a quartet of F-units descending the curve, struggling to restrain a heavy freight in the cold, but dry, weather. Luckily, it has yet to snow.
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There are some real winners in this competition, and then there is mine.
Two helper locomotives strain in full dynamic brakes to help hold the train back as it descends from Yuba Pass towards Emigrant Gap on Donner Pass.

(For some reason the location is called Yuba Pass by the railroad and Yuba Gap by the Department of Transportation)
NYC J3a Hudson #5450 gets inspected by the yard crew before a special revenue freight run on January 23rd, 1957.


Hey, no one ever said this had to be SNOW in a winter shot. :p

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It seems odd, doesn't it, that the locomotive with the green and lined passenger livery is pulling the down goods and that the goods locomotive is pulling the up passenger.

I suppose the snow must have trapped locomotives and stock in all the wrong places last night.

One thing for sure is that the down goods is the more important because Yorkshire coal will be in much demand in London tonight.

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