Screenshot of The Week: July 26 to August 2 2015 (Down Under)



Water under the bridge or the land of oz. Tunnels, bridges and viaducts. Maintenance trenches and industrial catwalks. Get creative in your interpretation of this week's theme; Down Under. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.
Submission closes on August 2 at
12:00 mn UTC/GMT/Zulu time.
Also, after consideration of received feedback, it is now a requirement for all users who enter to have at least 1 registered Trainz version.

Under Woodhead!
Getting started after a stop under the station platforms, one of GM&O's colorful trains of mixed cars ducks under the many overpasses as it gets on it's way towards St. Louis.

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Getting started after a stop under the station platforms, one of GM&O's colorful trains of mixed cars ducks under the many overpasses as it gets on it's way towards St. Louis.
That wouldn't be one of Josheh's models would it? It looks like his, but it also looks upgraded. (If that makes sense)
That wouldn't be one of Josheh's models would it? It looks like his, but it also looks upgraded. (If that makes sense)

It is, actually. I believe it was the PRR E8 from the DLS. Re-drew the details and added some shadows/highlights. Really helped it I think!

Also, nice shot eso! Loving the model railroad shots!
<<I'm still using TS2010; why do I bother entering?>>

I still use TS12 for my entries, occasionally I throw one in from TANE.



An older shot but I still like it.

On a crisp September night in 1937, we find train number 93, the eastbound Midnight Limited paused at Polisburg Union Depot. As the switcher shuffles about, splitting cars into the Boston and New York sections of the train, an Ohio River And Northwestern train number 2294 sits on an adjacent platform, ready for it's nightly stroll southwards towards Wheeling. This nightly ritual would only be performed for another six months, however, as the Midnight Limited's New York section would be discontinued for the first time in it's history, replaced with trains 59/60, the New York Arrow. Alas, as passenger traffic declined as a result of the automobile and the jetliner, the Midnight Limited would make it's last run in January of 1970.

"Under what?" you may ask? The Union Depot concourse, the platform shelters, and starry night sky.
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Down Under The Overpass


The overnight cross country passenger express extends back under the overpass as it loads at the Wolf Hill Station at dusk.
One of the final steam trains to run on this small branchline the Silver Lines ran. On that cloudy day, a railfan snapped this picture under the bridge as #2371 struggles up the 3% grade.

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Submissions are now closed. There are 12 entries for this round so up to 3 votes are allowed. Voting will be from now until August 9, 1200nn UTC. Please post your votes below.