Screenshot of The Week: December 28 to January 4 2015 (Year In Review)



Once a year, we look back upon how we've spent the last 8760 hours of our lives; might be happy, might be sad, might've broken a knuckle or two. As the year draws to a close but before everyone turns the last page of this chapter, show us your most memorable picture or one that best sums up your year. This week's theme is Year In Review. Please send your theme suggestions for subsequent competitions via email or Skype by clicking on the little icons below my username.

One screenshot allowed per entrant. Screenshots must adhere to the theme and the Trainz Forum Code of Conduct.

Submission closes on January 4 at
12:00 noon UTC/GMT/Zulu time.

haven't the foggiest how to portray this but here's a shot i did early this year
Well, my year has been excellent.

Here's an ENBSeries-utilising shot of a 4F. ENBSeries, a form of post-processing for DirectX games, has been my main area of experimentation in the Trainz world this year, next year I hope to learn how to make better use of more of the effects ENB offers - right now I've just adjusted the gamma and contrast. :p

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Meat Packing Plant

Oh, WOW !!! These are all so great. This collection would make a fantastic calendar.

Here's my contribution.

Four things I've been working on this year in one photo:
1. My three reskins of passenger cars to look like the cars found at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum
2. My heavily-modified 'Norfolk and Western - Appalachian Coal' route, which includes:
1. Double-tracked from one end of the route to the other.
2. Grades have been modified to be more realistic, i.e. removing a few 4% grades on the route.
3. Bridges that were made of wood have been replaced with steel bridges.
4. In several places, track has been removed to reflect the present day.
5. Several sharp curves have been modified to be more 'gentle'.
Anyway, on to the picture. I don't know how to remove the tabs on the side of the screen, so I apologize about that.
Two ways:

In Surveyor: Press Alt Y or Alt + U (one is a 'Fly' command and another is 'Walk'. You'll see what I mean when you try them).

Or, exit Surveyor and go into Driver and press F5.

Well, 4% grades are pretty common in the Appalachians, I've seen some at 4.3 out there.

On a mainline? I don't think so. Plus, run the coal train session for 'Norfolk and Western - Appalachian Coal' and you'll climb up a 4% grade. With a Y6b going up that hill, it looks 'toy-like', hence reducing the grades.