screen resolution confusion


route builder
I'm confused (again).
You all are discussing getting new monitors, bigger/better/ high resulution.
What's the point, when max res in TRS2006 is 1280x1024 ?????
Am I missing something here??
Wait, so there must be an optimal size to minimize drain on the graphics card without making the user squint... :o
(that's me thinking;) )
TRS2006 (and TRS2004) support widescreen just fine. I run them both in 1680x1050. In TRS2004 you have to get a little tricky and edit trainzoptions.txt in the TRS2004 folder. I had to add these two lines in the file:


TRS2006 allows the resolution to be configured directly in the options section.
Hi jytte,

Yes you are missing some thing, that is the highest resolution selectable from with in TRS.

However use a text editor and open the file 'trainzoptions.txt' in the main TRS directory and add the following;
( or what ever resolution your monitor can handle )
Save the file and TRS will use that resolution.

Other handy additions to the file;
( displays the kuid of the current selected object in surveyor )
( alllows you to move the camera position in cab mode, so you can stick your 'head' out the window railfan style! )

I'm running TRS with 1920X1080, this is selectable from Options once the main menu pops up, TRS looks brilliant in HD, and I'm not going back one pixel:hehe:

I'm disappointed that I haven't managed to get it to run at 4800x1200 yet, but I'll keep hoping ;)

Thank you all for your input. I wish there was a quick way to print from here, cause I'm going to have to write this down.
Thank you all for your input. I wish there was a quick way to print from here, cause I'm going to have to write this down.
File > Print :)

Or copy and paste the sections of interest into a suitable program of your choice (Notepad, Word, Microsoft Works, OpenOffice, whatever) and print from there. Edit > Paste Special > Unformatted Text is probably preferable to a straight paste.

Or you could save the web page to your hard disk for future reference.

HTH, John
Very slightly OT:

I played around with Trainz on a wide-screen monitor recently, but wasn't happy with the 'stretched' look of things and went back to a std monitor. Is there a way to get Trainz onto a WS and retain correct proportionality??

Very slightly OT:

I played around with Trainz on a wide-screen monitor recently, but wasn't happy with the 'stretched' look of things and went back to a std monitor. Is there a way to get Trainz onto a WS and retain correct proportionality??


Hi Dermmy.............I was able to resolve my wide-screen distortion when I found this post on the UK website.........


I was browsing the forums this afternoon and came across a post about wide-screen monitors. Now, adjusting the trainzoptions file to reflect the resolution of a wide-screen monitor is only half of the job!

To show the view correctly you need to modify the field-of-view (FOV) to accommodate the increased horizontal size. The values you need to use are:


These values are good for any 16:10 aspect wide-screen monitor.

Now, some monitors are 16:9 aspect so you'll need different values:


Adding these lines to your trainzoptions file will display everything correctly apart from the main menu screens which will appear to be stretched horizontally.

Before you edit your file, make a backup and put it in a safe place just in case something goes horribly wrong. If you use Trainz 2004 then you can simply use the editor in TrainzObjects to add the necessary info.


This works for me..........:wave: If you search in GOOGLE on ....DRIVERFOV CABINFOV..., the 3rd hit down on the list is a website named WIDESCREENPCGAMES.COM..........An excellant write-up on various wide-screen resolution settings. Hope this helps.
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Very slightly OT:

I played around with Trainz on a wide-screen monitor recently, but wasn't happy with the 'stretched' look of things and went back to a std monitor. Is there a way to get Trainz onto a WS and retain correct proportionality??

TRS2004 / TRS2006

in trainzoptions.txt file, TC doesn't seem to need it.

Cheerio John
Thank you all for your input. I wish there was a quick way to print from here, cause I'm going to have to write this down.

Click 'Thread Options' and choose 'Show Printable Version'. Then click 'Print' in your browser options.

Thanks manjoe - didn't know that :)

@ johnwhelan - I don't recall the exact values of the screen i was using, but added width/height for the screen's native resolution to trainzoptions and got a distorted screen which appeared to be more-or-less a 4:3 screen with correct height, but stretched width, ie short fat trains. Is there something special about 1440/900?

Andy :)
manjoe -- thanks for the additional fov adjustments.

Note: when using them, make sure you replace the existing values that are already in your trainzoptions.txt file. I didn't notice the original values the 1st time I did it.
Thanks manjoe - didn't know that :)

@ johnwhelan - I don't recall the exact values of the screen i was using, but added width/height for the screen's native resolution to trainzoptions and got a distorted screen which appeared to be more-or-less a 4:3 screen with correct height, but stretched width, ie short fat trains. Is there something special about 1440/900?

Andy :)

1440 and 900 are examples only. You can put other values in depending on your screen. Basically Trainz can work correctly on any sized monitor you just plug the values in.

Cheerio John
I'm running TRS'04 on a 24" monitor at 1600x1200 and have Trainz set up the same way...;) Who said 1280x1024 is the largest setting?
Is there something special about 1440/900?
1440 x 900 is a common 16:10 (widescreen) resolution. Other common ones are 960 x 600, 1152 x 720, 1280 x 800, 1344 x 840, 1536 x 960, 1680 x 1050 and 1920 x 1200. In each case width/height = 1.6. I don't know if video cards, monitors, Windows and Trainz are capable of handling all of these, especially the highest ones. The higher the resolution, the more work your main processor and the processor on your video board have to do.

Click 'Thread Options' and choose 'Show Printable Version'. Then click 'Print' in your browser options.


exactly what I was looking for!!!
ofcourse I know how to copy and paste, but this is much faster
Thanks a bunch