screen moving issue


Bankruptcy Blue
While I play Trainz in wait for Rail Simulator, in surveyor, my screen will shake back and fourth uncontrollably, why does it do this?


Abandonding women has the same effect I believe, did you tell it you were leaving it and going with Rail Simulator? ;)

Abandonding women has the same effect I believe, did you tell it you were leaving it and going with Rail Simulator? ;)


yup :p

just trying to mess around with it for a couple weeks while waiting for Rail Simulator
Read this thread, and see why we're not worried:

15 all, your serve ;)


Growing pains, like any new software release. There will probably be patches and updates as the list grows. I attribute many of these shortcomings to the Beta Teams not catching errors and omissions, rushing release dates, users unfamiliar with the settings and menus from not reading the instructions properly or not at all, compatibility issues between computer systems, etc. Electronic Arts has a reputation to uphold which should encourage Kuju to resolve these issues quickly and completely. I have received my copy today and will be putting the program through it paces and verifying these errors, thank you for the link. Anyway, I was referring to the poster's comment on screen shaking program and not Auran or Trainz in particular.:hehe: