Saving Sky Changes


New member
In Surveyor, When I change the Sky color and exit I'm not prompted
to save and then going to driver the sky is not changed.
How do you save the sky changes? Thank's Ed
Interesting. I never paid much attention before. I'm guessing you're editing a session. Sky changes affect the route. The easiest way is to add a scenery object, then delete it. Trainz sees this as a change to the route and forces a choice of overwriting the route or not. There might be rules that you could add to a session to change the sky.
Been playing around with it. Found that if you change the the Sky,
You have to add 1 other Item, Tree,people,whatever.
Then It will ask you to save and changes are kept. Thank's Ed
When you change the sky, can you hit Ctrl-S and save the route? I've never tried to save with just a sky change.

:cool: Claude
Yes, That also works. Thank's Ed
Performance seems to change depending on how complex the Sky is
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The type of sky you use, number of clouds, speed etc, will all affect the performance of the game, as they have to be rendered like everything else.