Saving Route/Session


There are several threads on this subject but I seem to have a variation which may be of interest - and hopefully someone can explain.
I thought the other day that I was having a "seniors moment" or losing my marbles - I have a very large Route which has been going for about 9 months and is about 300 baseboards with several areas "under construction" - I opened the route after a couple of days and found after some initial surprise that the previous days work was "missing" despite saving in the usual way.
Experimenting with different rouites and methods of saving I have found the following.
Auto saving set to 60 minute intervals seems to be working - at least it stops program for a few seconds and appears to work ok.
Saving the current route (as I have always done) by overwriting route and session goes through the three stages of options but stays on the surveyor page and does not go to menu - only after pressing escape - new work is lost.
Saving another equally large route using this overwrite method works OK.
Saving the problem route by renaming it also works ok.
Conclusion is that the "problem route" has something causing this behaviour and not the Trainz program as a whole.
Going mad possibly - help this poor old soul with this dilemma if you can.
I know the above (renaming) is a solution but would like some input as to why after so long this is happening.:'(
Which Trainz version? Probably TRS2006 . . . the one with the save bug.

If its TRS2006 with the bug . . . its a route-size related problem. After a certain point the problems start.

Since its a bug . . . what it actually does is unpredictable and varies from system to system.

I even bought a different version/build number . . . same result.

I'm moving on to TC soon.
Yes as you say very unpredictable - the route that save still works on is quite a bit bigger than the troubled one !!
Just have to live with it and move on - at least there is a way round so all is not lost.

I also have a large route and have started seeing the save problem occur. What I do is choose the "Save As" option and then give it the original name. This has been working for me for the last two weeks.

Hope this works for you.
Thanks for the input - the "Save as" and use a different name (I just add 1 through 9 as a suffix and delete the earlier ones) - one thing never a dull moment with Trainz.