Saving in Paintshed 2006


New member
In a previous thread, "Saving skins in 2006", I mistakenly referred to reskins when I was actually working with repainting, in Paintshed.

Thanks to the advice I received I have been looking at the possibility of reskinning instead of repainting.

I have come to the conclusion that, due to my lack of ability and confidence, this is way beyond me.

I would however, with a slight change of wording, repeat my original request for help:-

"Upon completing a repaint, and attempting to save, the program opens again in "Paintshed Templates" and not in "Current Search" as per the instruction manual.

An exhaustive search does not produce the repaint anywhere at all".

Yet again, any advice on where I am going wrong would be appreciated.

Regards. Alan
Bammers Im at work now till daybreak. If you have not recieved any answers ill try and walk you through it when I get home.
BTW your running TS06, may I ask what build #...


My panic is over!

Looks like the Template I was using could be defective (or something).

I had assumed that the fault lay with myself.

I have tried 3 others and they gave the desired results.

Regards. Alan.

Thank you for your good wishes.

I think it was more a case of getting myself working rather than the program.

Regards. Alan.