Saving in 2012


I'm new to 2012 and I am at a loss regarding saving, when asked to clone or unlock, if I choose either I end up with multiple versions of sessions in CMP, or a message saying, Content Manager cannot save read only files try saving under a different name. I'm obviously doing something wrong, can somebody point me in the right direction? Thanks!
I think I’m right in saying that you need to own a route or session in Trainz to be allowed to modify it which you do when you save any computer file. Hence if you are editing a route provided as part of T-ANE or 2012 you need to make a copy for yourself and save it using an appropriate name for yourself, after which you can choose to over-write the previously saved file or make yet another copy after each time you edit that session.

Alternatively if you have created the route yourself and are being asked to make a clone or copy it sounds like ‘Trainz’ is not recognizing who you are and believes that you are somebody other than the owner. Check Trainz Settings on the first screne to open when loading Trainz and check that your account details under Internet are correct. Peter