Safetran Signals


choo choo twain!
Do any of them besides the JR Mojave signals go out or "go black" when the block isn't in use? Is there a way to make this happen?
All the signals marked 05 (searchlight, modern safetran, NS/SOU safetran, trilights) which are permissive types do that I know of. I do not believe any of the other number types do.
Do any of them besides the JR Mojave signals go out or "go black" when the block isn't in use? Is there a way to make this happen?

The reason they do not go out is because the Safetran signals are modeled after Norfolk Southern signalling and the JR Mojave are modeled after ATSF/SP.

ATSF used approach lit signals to save money all over. NS has it on some of their intermediates and distants.

There is a way to make them all approach lit. It requires going into the config files of each signal and adding an aspect from the 05 and distant signals to the others, then adding "approach_lit 1".
There is a way to make them all approach lit. It requires going into the config files of each signal and adding an aspect from the 05 and distant signals to the others, then adding "approach_lit 1".
CAn you be a little bit more specific? I would like to try that.
adding a permissive aspect will effectively kill the ability of the script to determine if the signal should be absolute or permissive and nullify any of the ability of the signals to not allow trains to come face to face on a single track. It will not cause the approach lit checkbox to appear.

You can change the config to add the "default_approach_lit 1" tag in the extensions container and that will set them to be approach lit always (like mojave signals) but they do not have an interface to change the setting in game.

I will have this soon and well as some other features like signal channels (this is for when more than one signal is nearby and they should all light on each track and not just the one with an approaching train) as well as unbonded tracks for sidings and yards when the next signal library comes out.
I will have this soon and well as some other features like signal channels (this is for when more than one signal is nearby and they should all light on each track and not just the one with an approaching train) as well as unbonded tracks for sidings and yards when the next signal library comes out.

I love your signals, but . . . I have a feeling that they'll require TS12-SP1 to work.

EDIT: On a personal note, are you going to be at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum for Railfest?
The signal channel is a great idea. Where I grew up along the Chicago line some of the old NYC signals acted this way. Kudos!
A question - with N3V making TS12 content compatible and available for Tane will JR be making Mojave Sub signals compatible with for Tane?