Rule Breaking?


Active member
Train Orders?

I have a question and I hope I can explain it so it's understandable. Can you write orders for a driver/train to follow? Example: Marias Pass. Can you write orders such as the one the dispatcher gives you in the grain train scenario? Your running the grain train on the same track a few minutes apart from the amtrak. At some point the dispatcher gives you orders to pull off to a sideing till the amtrak passes,then your told to continue on your way. Where and how or can you write similar train orders for 2004? Can you write your own scenario train orders? I've looked in the manual but it was not quite clear.
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If I read correctly, you're talking about 2 trains going in the same direction, the train in the rear being the passenger train. I'm not sure if there is a rule that will do this for you. First of all, if the passing is intended on a single track line with a passing siding, I don't think it can be done if the route includes direction markers at the main and diverging tracks at each end of the passing siding. If there are no direction markers, then you might try experimenting with the class of the trains, but I'm not sure this will work for what you're trying to do.

If you find something that works, I'd like to hear about it.

Hi Alco_P-A,

There is a simple way to do this. First place a trackmark on the sideing where you want the goods train to stop, name it sideing stop or something you will recognise. Then place a trigger about half a mile down the track after the sideing, name the trigger so you can recognise it. When your goods train starts tell the driver to drive too trackmark sideing stop, stop train, wait for trigger, trigger name. Then when you passenger train drives through it will activate the named trigger and the goods train will continue with it's next command.

If you cannot understand all this repost and I will put up a screen shot.

Rules for waiting in siding

Hi Alco_P_A,

Here are the screenshots you requested I hope I can explain them.

This first pic is just to show the trackmarks and you can possible see the trigger at the top left of the picture. If you have a passenger active station you do not need the station trackmark.
Just tell the driver to drive to (station name), (load), then next destination command.

Second pic is the slow goods train arriving and pulling into the loop.

Third pic is the goods train waiting at the trackmark and the passenger train arriving at the station ( which isn't there)

Fourth pic Passenger train departing after loading. (yea right)

Fifth pic The passenger train has activated the trigger and the goods train is departing under a caution signal. Therefore it will travel at half speed until it gets a green signal. To avoid this and get the goods to depart on green place the trigger beyond two mainline signals.

Hope this explains things clearly,

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
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