Route selection problem


Am running TRS22 Build 119451.

I normally open the TRS22 programme, then "Select Driver/Surveyor" and then, rotate the wheel on Logitech G402 mouse, to scroll to and fro through the 20 plus routes I have operating on my system to select route required.

TODAY operating the mouse wheel causes the system to jump from the first route listed - straight to the last. Anything in between requires that route name to be typed in to the search facility and this immediately brings up all the sessions and defaults for that one route.

I would supect the mouse except the wheel performs perfectly in other programmes. Any ideas anybody?

Help will be much appreciated.

aka Pitmilly
I just had checked at my end and everything is working as it should. My mouse is also Logitech 'I can't remember what the model is, all I can say it's the cheapest one I can get' LOL ;)

Anyway, I think that you will need a new mouse as I can't find any settings in Trainz for mouse scrolling. Even though your mouse will appear to work fine with other programs but if it's over 1 year old 'Goodbye, mouse' especially the cheap ones :)
There was probably a driver update that changed the setting to default causing you to become confused. I've had things like that occur before and it's annoying.

Trainz does wear out mice as we all know, so Phil was right in saying you needed a new one. ;-)