Route back-up


Active member
Are there any route back-up's stored automatically anywhere in Trainz? Let's just say you never want to wake up at 4am
to clean up some unwanted trees that's been bugging you.... When opening the route, you MAY accidentally press delete instead of "Edit". If anyone wants me, I'll be upstairs climbing out the attic window!
Are there any route back-up's stored automatically anywhere in Trainz?
Backups are automatically created by Trainz - you can set how many per day and they are kept for 7 days but you can turn this feature off (at which point you climb out the attic window).

This is explained on the Trainz Wiki page at How_to_Manage_Backups

I am in the habit of making manual backups at the end of each editing session and, because I am paranoid, I make multiple backups in different places. This process is also explained in the link above.
Backups are automatically created by Trainz - you can set how many per day and they are kept for 7 days but you can turn this feature off (at which point you climb out the attic window).

This is explained on the Trainz Wiki page at How_to_Manage_Backups

I am in the habit of making manual backups at the end of each editing session and, because I am paranoid, I make multiple backups in different places. This process is also explained in the link above.
Thanks for that. I found the tzarc files (only 2) removed the trailing numbers and copied them to the editing folder. Ran database repair....nothing. Oh well, I only lost a few hours since my last manual backup. I'll spend more time figuring this out. Thanks again.
Right or wrong, I find if I save the existing (broken) route as a cdp first, delete, then restore the backup it seems to work well. May be unnecessary but harms no-one. :)
Ok... When something bugs me, I can't let it go. So I went back into the trenches to figure out what I was doing wrong, So...back to the backup directory...
My backup directory has 3 types of files. I have...
.TZARC followed by numbers
.TZARC with no numbers

For whatever reason I have many more TZARC files then KUID files. Naturally I picked the newest one...WRONG! The TZARC file you chose must have a matching KUID file in order to restore.
As the tutorial above states, if you pick the TZARC file ending in numbers. delete the numbers so the file ends in TZARC

I did this and the route STILL didn't appear, then I remembered also reading the route must then be resubmitted because it will be "open for edit". Sure enough, there it was waiting.

For me anyway, after I jumped through all those hoops, the route re-appeared.

It sure seems there has to be an easier way, but I'm just grateful it was at least still there.

Save yourself a headache and backup the backup's backup :)