Roads by Rails?


Fan of Everything Train
I am currently facelifting routes for my own personal enjoyment. I've merged a three routes including Robe River Iron. I am replacing the roads since the traffic on the current roads doesn't even drive on them and is to close to the trains. I have layed all the roads from the Pannawonica 12 mile mark to the Fortescue River Bridge and from the end of the line to just south of the Wye. But Robe is a very large route, so I am stopping at the Coast Highway and the Fortescue River Bridge and saying they're connected, but not seen. I'm, going to rip out all the roads inbetween, unless it is common to have a road next to main lines? Can anybody help me here?

I usually put roads next to main lines and even cross or go over or under. I put roads to connect train stops. This makes the scenery look like there is an inneraction going on with the train that is moving.
When I come to a train stop, there is a parking area for passangers and roads for those cars to come in. Sometimes the roads are very close to the train stop.
On a San Francisco to Los Angeles route, I have major hiways alongside the tracks and can see the cars from the cab. When in my LA end, there is so many roads and commute trains crossing over and under and alongside, it looks like a buzy city including going around the airport with all the yards connected for me to inneract. I even go by a prison with inmakes and fences and guard towers.
My key is make it look like you could get really confused if you stray from the mainline into a city. The SF to LA has many large terminals to go thru.
I usually put roads next to main lines and even cross or go over or under. I put roads to connect train stops. This makes the scenery look like there is an inneraction going on with the train that is moving.
When I come to a train stop, there is a parking area for passangers and roads for those cars to come in. Sometimes the roads are very close to the train stop.
On a San Francisco to Los Angeles route, I have major hiways alongside the tracks and can see the cars from the cab. When in my LA end, there is so many roads and commute trains crossing over and under and alongside, it looks like a buzy city including going around the airport with all the yards connected for me to inneract. I even go by a prison with inmakes and fences and guard towers.
My key is make it look like you could get really confused if you stray from the mainline into a city. The SF to LA has many large terminals to go thru.

Well, I guess I'll have to replace all the roads. Now in areas that there is no main state road, is there a gravel road, dirt, etc for rail crews?
Hi Spiffy101 I think you'll find the Dirt Road that runs along the Tracks is more of a service road, in that part of the world its very remote and wheres theres already infrastructure and such would be wise to build roads atleast you know a train will pass through at some time in the next 12-24 hrs if you happen to break down!! If you want to check out some vids on that area of Australia, check out this link thsi guy acutually drives for BHP Billiton in that area. He has posted some awesome videos showcasing the railroad and surrounding!!

Hope this helps.

Hi Spiffy101 I think you'll find the Dirt Road that runs along the Tracks is more of a service road, in that part of the world its very remote and wheres theres already infrastructure and such would be wise to build roads atleast you know a train will pass through at some time in the next 12-24 hrs if you happen to break down!! If you want to check out some vids on that area of Australia, check out this link thsi guy acutually drives for BHP Billiton in that area. He has posted some awesome videos showcasing the railroad and surrounding!!

Hope this helps.


Okay, thanks!

I'll replace those roads with ones that don't have city traffic