Hi Boyd, welcome back to 21st century Trainz. People will say to download TANE, I say wait until the 22nd century to download it. If you have some time to spare, I would say TS12 is a good stable point. While yes, support does end Oct of this year, if you get it now, you can patch to SP1 HF4, which is far more stable than any of the TANE builds I've seen so far. If you patch TS12 long before importing content, you won't have near the issues that you'd have if you patch with content. TS12 removes TRS 2010's compatability mode in favor of multiplayer, but it can be fun if it works. However, a wide variety of content still works in TS12. There is a wide variety of routes also that can be downloaded and imported into TS12 with little to no issues. TS12 is less likely to cause you to leave Trainz as quickly as you came back, as I would say TANE, might drive you away from the game and hobby in general. I've been doing TS12 for 3 years now and I have regretted 0 hours of the time I have spent with it. This is coming from somebody who has 12 years playing Train simulators from MSTS, Openrails, Kuju Railsimulator, Trainz, and Railworks.