Reminds me of 'Mordor' from Lord of the Rings.

Landscape from my "Patagonia" layout. Still in the early stages. I'm not yet satisfied with the look of the sulphur deposits on the volcano, but it's a start...

- Deane
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That's..... undescribably realistic :eek:

Incredibly nice work Deane, is this something you intend to release for us all to admire on our own computers at some point?

Glad you like 'em. I think we all have a lot to thank Tolaris for; he gave us HOG so we can make terrain like this! Dave Drake's desert vegetation textures have been invaluable too.

The map is absolutely huge at 1256 boards (> 90MB CDP) and not even half-finished yet. But yes my hope is to eventually get it on the DLS, maybe just as terrain-only and uploaded in sections.
