Reducing loads


New member
Hi All,

Can someone please tell me how to reduce the load in a hopper wagon?

I have modified Robe River Iron to make it active, added a turntable and steam filling station at each end, so I can run steam locos. My problem is the only hopper I can find that will load iron ore is set to load 50000 ltrs. This with iron ore equates to 260 tons per wagon, which I think is a bit much for any hopper wagon, I could reduce the number of wagons in the train but I like a nice long train on a layout like Robe River. I have tried reducing the load form 50000 to 30000 in the config file but it makes no difference when the wagon loads it still has 50000 on board.

Any help appreciated,

You have to edit the size in the queues table within the config.txt file, if you already have a wagon placed on the layout you will have to delete it and place a new one after the change is made.

Also, if you are using TRS2004 you will have to delete the cache (world_dispatcher_downloads.chump, from memory I think) file for the change to take effect.
Hi Aussie,

Thanks for that, I am using TRS2006 for this. I did reduce the load queue in the config file but didn't replace the wagon, will try that.
Thanks again
There are a lot of hoppers on the DLS

There are a lot of hoppers on the DLS suitable to haul iron ore.

Why not check there first.
Ore Hoppers

Hi sethmcs,

Yes quite possible, but the only industry active ones I that have a load that looks like iron ore that I could find are the ore hoppers by vulcan.

Any way thanks to AussieNightcrawler its sorted now. It was only because I didn't remove the originals on the layout and replace them. As soon as I replaced them with the cloned ones they loaded 30000 litres.

If you click on the wagon and then delete the product you can then change the load amount, then click on the black cross and put your product back in. If you then add as many of same wagons as you want then go back to original wagon and clicl on the top icon left showing two wagons with arrows on them, this will then make all wagons in the consist the same as the first one I do this with all of my active wagons as it makes sure I dont run out of product. Hope this is of use. If its not clear get back to me
Have fun
Wagon loads

Hi dzien50,

To a certain extent this is true, but the next time the wagon is loaded at an industry it will load to the amount set in the product queue in the config file. So if you are running a repeatable session you would have to go through the same thing each time the wagon is loaded. Also the loading area in Robe River Iron has an incline imediately after loading which will stop a Big Boy from loading a 30 wagon train completely because of wheel slip even when sanding.

No it will not, it stays the same every time you open the layout up, so if you set it at 5000 tons instead of 95000 tons thats what it will load to every time

Hi again dzien50,

Ok. didn't think that was possible. I did reduce the load that way the first time I tried to run it, just to get going. but I didn't go right through to the next load. I stopped the session after it had unloaded. Will try it with the original wagons again.

Hi Bill I just noticed this thread, and the mention of "Robe" :)

Awhile back I made a "Pilbara Ore" gondola (PS), and a new "ore product" to go with it.

I never got around to releasing them, I think by memory 5 cars (loaded) equated to about 600T's. I don't know whether that is a more suitable weight or not, but it done me. :)

Wiley :)

Here's a couple of pics, not a prototype.


How the ore product looks when loaded...

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Hi dzien50,

Yes It does work! Thanks for that, I can now run longer trainz on some other layouts as well. I see the key to the adjustment is in deleting the product first then adding it after you have adjusted the max load, whereas i only adjusted the existing load the first time. Just shows you never stop learning about Trainz in these forums.

Thanks again,

Remember, it will only work after you have made the change in the current session, you have to make the change for every session you create.

The way above that I said will change the actual wagon itself, the change will remain permanently, this is the reason why I do it by change the size in the config.txt file.

Hi Aussie,

yes I realize that. So I now have some hoppers with the max load altered in the config, and I can alter any others for other layouts by the method above.

Thanks again,
Robe Ore

Hi Wiley4,
Nice looking hoppers! Reskinning is going to be my next little project when I get the robe river running properly. I have one ore train cab driven and one ore train driven by AI. Plus two small coal trains driven by AI to supply the Steam Filling Stations. I have given away theidea of using Big Boys, I am now using two 60 class garratts, more in keeping with the Aussie terain. Being such a long run it takes quite a while to test everything, adjust what's wrong and test again. Actually another reason I changed to the Garratts is because it is easier for the AI to get them on the turntable properly. Also I have found I need to add a water tank about half way to refill the garratt tender.

Hi Wiley4,
Nice looking hoppers! Reskinning is going to be my next little project when I get the robe river running properly. I have one ore train cab driven and one ore train driven by AI. Plus two small coal trains driven by AI to supply the Steam Filling Stations. I have given away theidea of using Big Boys, I am now using two 60 class garratts, more in keeping with the Aussie terain. Being such a long run it takes quite a while to test everything, adjust what's wrong and test again. Actually another reason I changed to the Garratts is because it is easier for the AI to get them on the turntable properly. Also I have found I need to add a water tank about half way to refill the garratt tender.


Thanks Bill, they are a bit dated now, sounds like you have a nice little setup there on the Robe. There is a few versions of 'The Robe" on the DLS, as well as some Robe specific locomotives.

I just came across a "Pilbara Rail" Dash 9, that should match my gondolas nicely.

Good luck on the Robe mate, and the reskinning as well.

Wiley :)