If anybody has been watching the 2006 part of the forums you would have seen my problem with the fatal error...
Well ive tried re-building CMP etc but it took 2 days to do so and the only reason it stoped was cause i quit out of it...
Well im about to re-install trainz and i wan't to know how to install everything ive backed up?
Is it as simple as takeing out the folder and once the game is installed putting it back in and it will al re-install or is there something else i have to do?
If anybody has been watching the 2006 part of the forums you would have seen my problem with the fatal error...
Well ive tried re-building CMP etc but it took 2 days to do so and the only reason it stoped was cause i quit out of it...
Well im about to re-install trainz and i wan't to know how to install everything ive backed up?
Is it as simple as takeing out the folder and once the game is installed putting it back in and it will al re-install or is there something else i have to do?