random question ,don't even know if it is possible


New member
Is it possible to change the bogie colour of something, keeping the original, but just changing the colour, saving it (in the main bogie folder) as bogie2.tga or something, then adding a .texture etc etc.

I was wondering, as I have some things that all are listed with the same bogie kuid listed, but I want some to stay the original colour, and some to change to the bogie2.tga

but from what I've found, it would seem that I can only have one (the original)

sorry if that doesn't make sense, but I don't know how to word it
ah right, would I be able to have a different colour if I just modified the tga? so then they will all have this new colour bogie?
If you are using CMP you can make a clone and do a new bogey colour in that, seems to me that's the only way you can what you want. I've done this to reskin some custom locos.
Cheers Will
would that give me a new kuid number for it?
Yes, if you clone something, the clone gets your next personal kuid number. But the asset name doesn't change, so you will need to change that to personalize it, and distinguish it from the original.
Mick Berg.