Is it possible to change the bogie colour of something, keeping the original, but just changing the colour, saving it (in the main bogie folder) as bogie2.tga or something, then adding a .texture etc etc.
I was wondering, as I have some things that all are listed with the same bogie kuid listed, but I want some to stay the original colour, and some to change to the bogie2.tga
but from what I've found, it would seem that I can only have one (the original)
sorry if that doesn't make sense, but I don't know how to word it
I was wondering, as I have some things that all are listed with the same bogie kuid listed, but I want some to stay the original colour, and some to change to the bogie2.tga
but from what I've found, it would seem that I can only have one (the original)
sorry if that doesn't make sense, but I don't know how to word it