R179?? Rumor or Fact


New member
There is a rumor going around that a new subway car called the R179 will replace the R44s and R46s. Is their any news to confirms this? This propsed subway car maybe a new 75 foot car that will be used for the MTA Staten Island railroad and the subway.
well i heard that the new irt line to get the new subway cars is the 7 LINE.i think it will be called the R162
ok i asked experts of the MTA.and yes it will be called the R179.it will be 75 feet long.which also means it will be longer then the R160
And, it will replace the R44/6. They also said it was part of the R160 contract. The R162, however, might not exist. I think the 7 line will just get R142s. It hasn't been ten years since I first saw a R142 yet.
well the 7 LINE was testing the R142 and it failed.thats why the R162 might have new power the uses less power.thats why.and until the MTA figures out the problem the 7 LINE will only run on the R162.