Quick Portal Manager V3 problem


New member
I am wondering if the latest version of TRS12 has broken QPM when it comes to transferring trains from one route to the next. I didn't seem to be having this problem before the update. It seems like when the train arrives on the next route, the time doesn't match up and it seems to be giving me a consist for every car in the train. The first one generally is the whole train and proceeding consists are minus the first car in each one.

I was just wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem and knows if it is broke, or I just have something set up wrong. I am going to play with it a bit more and see if it is in the setup on my route. Everything else seems to work right though.

Thank you
I am wondering if the latest version of TRS12 has broken QPM when it comes to transferring trains from one route to the next. I didn't seem to be having this problem before the update. It seems like when the train arrives on the next route, the time doesn't match up and it seems to be giving me a consist for every car in the train. The first one generally is the whole train and proceeding consists are minus the first car in each one.

I was just wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem and knows if it is broke, or I just have something set up wrong. I am going to play with it a bit more and see if it is in the setup on my route. Everything else seems to work right though.

Thank you

Hi Dean.

You are the the first one to report such a problem with QPM assets. I have then done several tests to check that transferring trains from one route to the next still works. I have done these tests under Mac Tane HF3 and Quick Portal Manager Standard Edition and everything works fine. And I don't see any reason why it should not work under TS12 and QPM V3 as this part of code has not changed or being updated between all these versions.

May I also suggest that preparing the future you change to Quick Portal Manager Standard Edition (which the successor of QPM V2 with the same kuid) instead of QPM V3, which is no longer supported in next Trainz versions either Trainz Mac 2 or Tane. If you make this change, it is possible to retrieve most of your portal configuration using the clipboard facility. You need to add QPM SE to your session while keeping QPM V3. Then edit QPM V3 and use the "copy rule data to clipboard" link to copy your initial data, then quit QPM V3 edition mode and edit QPM SE and use "paste rule data from clipboard" to retrieve most of your portal configuration in QPM SE. Then you can delete QPM V3 and continue working with QPM SE with your initial data.

The main restriction with QPM SE is that only consists defined in surveyor list are supported. All global consist lists (either V1 or V2) are no longer supported due to the fact that N3V no longer uses and deliver the Global Consist Library in either Trainz Mac 2 or TANE.

Sorry not being able to help more with QPM V3.

No problem...thank you for the quick and in-depth response. I well try what you have suggested here when time allows. My content manger has stated some of the parts I have to QPM are out of date. This might be part of the problem. I have recently changed hard drives and had just moved everything from one hard drive to the next. So I well play around a bit more. It's not a deal breaker by any means if I can't get it to work. The scheduling of trains still works great.

Thanks again

I did report what I believe is the same problem over in the Trainz 12 section, but after no replies I gave up and went to using Iportals to move between routes. http://forums.auran.com/trainz/show...-Manager-1-consist-for-every-car-in-the-train
I will try version SE. The wording seemed to indicate that it was for TANE, so I left it alone.

Thanks for all of the work on the Quick-rule series. I like to run continuous sessions and these features brought it to a new level.
I apologize for the delay. I had some confusion over the versions and which ones I had installed, and got diverted by other issues. I tried the SE version and got the same result. If I send in a 10-car consist I get 10 consists in the portal queue. The first has all of the cars. the second has all but the first car. The next has all but the first 2 cars, and so on. I used QPM extensively in TRS2009 and I know how to set it up. I am still fairly new to the layers thing and perhaps I am missing something there. I'm thinking there must be something quirky about my setup and I will try re-installing sometime, but it may be a while before I get time to do this.