Quick Portal Manager and AutoDriveWithMCTimetable


Active member
Hi all,

Having a few issues with these 2 rules.

QPM isn't consistently emitting consists - sometimes they appear, other times they don't.

Consists with a MCTimetable assigned sometimes get stuck at the same station with the hover message saying 'Approaching XXX' when it's actually arrived.

There is no pattern with the assets used - I've tried different portals, different stations and different signals (and even tried moving the location of the first signal after the station to see if that makes a difference).

I'm on TRS19 build 114800.

I don't have TRS19, but based on my experience in TANE I'd suggest the following:

1. Make sure you have the latest dls versions for all of your pguy assets (the MCTimetable issue you mentioned was fixed in a recent update)
2. Perform a standard database rebuild (Content Manager, developer menu) as this is often necessary to ensure all of the EIT / MCM / QPM assets are compiled and linked properly after installation.
3. If the above steps don't fix the problems you are having, prepare a cdp of your route / session for sending to pguy, since he will likely want to take a look.

Hope that helps.