Question regarding creating a multiplayer route


Tutorial Creator
Question regarding creating a multiplayer route/session

Hi Trainzers,

I'm currently setting up a fairly simple multiplayer route + session but am unsure which rules (apart from the Multiplayer Rule and the three standard rules) that need to be included.

Any advice is appreciated on this.

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Thankyou Oknotsen - I'm currently sorting out the fine tuning to release a beta version of the route for testing prior to adding more features and scenery to it (it's fairly basic at the moment).

The beta version of the route is now being processed - details are in the Morrisville Multiplayer Beta thread in the Freeware Announcements forum.

Good Luck --
Never knew you had a route --
Do you have screenshotz of it at your site / forum here?

Not yet, but I can sort some out in a few minutes.


EDIT: See the relevant thread in the Freeware Announcements section.
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Not sure if you got my PM ish6, but the route and session are now uploaded. However, it looks like there's a possible issue with the ITrainz servers at the moment.

Shane one rule that would be handy in Multiplayer is instant unload.

As many times when playing mp there are derailments, this is not always the players fault as lagg etc can cause out of control trains.

So what i have done so far if i host a session make up a few clone trains, unfortunatly they load with the default product which is ok if that session has a place to unload them, otherwise they are useless if you need them for an industry.

So as you can see if they use instantly unload then they can then be used to replace lost trains. this way the sessions can continue without having to start all over again.

p.s. hosted a couple of mp games in tane and one problem is sometimes the clients train will not uncouple, but as host i can uncouple them ok. Is this because of different locations we live in as 2 of us are in Australia and one from Europe.

thanks for any help you can give.
