Question on track curves.

Depends on what kind of trains you will be running. My advise is to set up a train to run through your curve and see how it looks. Make the train up of the longest cars you plan on running.

well when i first ex[erimented i had sharp curves and a long coal gas box car grain train [it crashed...sniffle all thoose LOSTS! soal ollss
Hard to judge, but it appears too tight for a good appearance for passenger consists. It might work well for some short line operations.
There are also some extremely useful curve templates, that can be as small as 100m or as large as 1500m - I'd go for some about 400m at their smallest, but larger may work better :)
These are some figures taken from E R Calthrop's Light Railway Construction of 1897. They apply to British practice of the time so modern longer stock probably needs larger radii. They are quoted in the normal British way as the radius and not the American way of angle.

Gauge              Normal            Sidings/difficult country
Ft in               Ft                     Ft
5   6              1600                   600
Standard           1320                   462           
Metre              1000                   400
2   6               250                   150
2   0               150                    60
Apart from the standard gauge, the others refer to contemporary Indian railways. I hope this is of help.
Doesn't Appear sharper than the Horseshoe Curve.

ok im building a route:o and im wondering is this to umm too sharp a curve for a train?
this is whats happening. your coming out of the woods and heading for a bridge across some water. this is were you exit the woods.
im just wondering about the sharpness.:rolleyes:
Thanks community!:cool:

Doesn't Appear sharper than the Horseshoe Curve.:D
I'd look again. Horseshoe curve is actually 2 curves - 1 at 194m and 1 at 186m. tianticlover's curve looks to be about 90m radius. That's a little tight for any std ga main line.

Bob Pearson
Aradlaw's Site

Thanks, Aradlaw (Dave) - you are doing a great service with your site - I see a lot of things it would take hours of searching to find.

thanks guys all fixed!
there are more on the route and i will look at those.
so far its almost done! soon to be uploaded i will post pics in screen section soon!
I'd look again. Horseshoe curve is actually 2 curves - 1 at 194m and 1 at 186m. tianticlover's curve looks to be about 90m radius. That's a little tight for any std ga main line.

Bob Pearson

The EKR's spur to the BR mainline is 3.5 chains radius. Thats 77 yards and yes, it's too tight.

Ideal curves would be as gentle as you can get away with and no tighter than 4 chains minimum.

