Well I have also made routes for Railworks/Train Simulator and MSTS Simulator and I also own Railworks America. When I or others make a route that uses payware we tell them up front what it needs. Then it is their choice to use it or not. The way I see it is I can not be the only one buying JR stuff as it is just way too nice. Since I bought it I want to use it and have to think that others who bought it would like to be able to use their payware on something else. Like my route.
My main concern was if the Military Mod route was payware or just the rolling stock that came with it. And if I have permission to use the route as part of my route and post it on the DLS. If I am not allowed to use it, that's OK too, as I will just write sessions using the rolling stock and try to rig up something similar the Military route, either way the downloaders will have to purchase it and other stuff. I just do not want to get into trouble for using copyrighted material. So I am asking.