Question about AI drivers and Industries


New member
I am just starting to learn industries and add them to my route. I added the ProtoLars lumber industry (kuid2:30671:27377:2) and ProtoLars flatcar
(kuid2:56063:180371:4) to my route.

When I manually drive to the industry the flatcar is loaded with lumber. I decided to have the driver drive under AI control so I gave him the Drive To command. He drove to the industry and stopped but nothing was loaded. I then instructed him to Drive To the industry. I added a Wait For 2 minutes command and then added a Load command. Still no load.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or not doing to get the industry to load for an AI driver.


I don't remember which ones, but some of the Lars interactive content requires the train to be stopped for 1 minute before it will load. The default wait time is 1 minute, but it can be changed in the properties window. This may be your problem.

Thanks for responding. Yes, the industry I'm using has a 60 sec delay after train stop. That's why I added a Wait For 2 minute command to the AI driver after he arrived at the industry.

Question: Do you have to give a Load command to AI drivers after they arrive at the industry or does the industry give the load command when they detect a car within the trigger radius?

I have a partial answer to my question. I have a test track set up with one industry to load and a second to unload.

I manually drive to the load industry and after 1 minute the cars load. I drive to the unload industry and after 1 minute the cars unload.

I add AI commands. I command the driver to drive to the load industry with no futher commands. After 1 minute the cars load. So no load command is required.

I add more AI commands. I command the driver to drive to the load industry, wait 2 minutes and drive to the unload industry. The driver drives to the load industry and stops. After 1 minute nothing is loaded. After 2 minutes nothing is loaded. The driver drives to the unload industry.
It's obvious that when I added the additional commands it messed up the loading.

Any ideas?


Edit: More info. I commanded the driver to drive to the load industry. I added a Wait For (2 minutes) command. The driver drives to the load station but loading does not occur. So I conclude one or two things.

a. Adding the Wait For command interfers with the loading, or
b. adding any command after the Drive To command interfers with loading.
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Correct. The Wait command causes all processes to stop for that train. ProtoLars was designed with the idea of leaving the cars at the industry, then after a set time picking them up. The only way I've found to use AI with ProtoLars is to uncouple the loco from the consist at the industry, issue the wait command to loco, then couple back up to the consist.
I have found that for the AI to load at ProtoLars industries, you have to issue a "Stop Train" driver command, after the "drive to tackmark" command. The sequence of commands should be:
- drive to trackmark (your name)
- stop train
- wait for 2 minutes
- Etc.

The reason for this (as far as I can see) is, that the train has to be completely stationary for the loading to begin.
The AI however only applies the engine brake and not the train brake.
This allows the cars to move and (bungee?) a little and stops the loading process.
The "stop train command" however seems to applies the train brake, and stops the cars from moving.
Anyway this works for me!
Thanks Andyz

I downloaded Stop Train command and tried it. It works for me. For my purpose, it is simplier than uncouple and couple.

That's a great tip Andyz. I'd asked about a year ago if anyone had a trick, but no one had any except what I'd already tried. Thanks
If you search the DLS for Command you will find it. I run TRS2004 and the kuid is 131986:150150. There is another with the same name, Stop Train, for TRS2006.

Found it and dl but it hasn't shown up in the "add" command section. Not sure why not. Can't find anything wrong but maybe not looking in right place?

Now its there. Still can't get the goods to load. Tried flat cars but same result.
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