problems with tains at stations


Recovering RBR Addict
Hi Everyone is there a way to be able to have the train stop in the middle of the platform & not over shoot the platform by half a train
when the train is under AI Control as i've gone for a ride on 1 of my AI Trains & every station it over shoots by 1-2 cars over when at the station
Carefully place a slower speedboard a good distance before the station to slow down high speed trains... and a trackmarker just past the station, and name it ... drive to, or via ... navigate to, or via
Carefully place a slower speedboard a good distance before the station to slow down high speed trains... and a trackmarker just past the station, and name it ... drive to, or via ... navigate to, or via

trains come is slow to the station so they not speeding they always stoping 1-2 cars past the platform never in the middle of the platform
Carefully adjust your trackmarker backwards, or forwards

Mine are driving in a 45 mph speedzone, then the front of the train hits a 20 mph speedzone, then the front of the train hit a 10 mph speedboard just prior to the station ... then after the station the rear car hits a 20 mph speedboard, followed up by a 45 mph speedboard

Slower speedboards are read by the front loco ... faster speedboards are read by the rear car
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If you are using the active stations then it depends how they are set up in the script. Some calculate the train length and stop the middle of the train in the center of the platform, others use the end of the platform. If you look into the script of my St Davids Station you will see that different length trains stop at different points in the station. They are set to stop near the passenger exits so a short 3 coach train stops 1/2 way along while a 6 coach train stops 3/4 of the way along and 12 coach train uses all the platform.