Problems with Multiplayer Routes/ Sessions


The Locomotive Data Guy
This may be the 1 billionth time you've seen a thread like this, but I can't seem to find an answer to my problem. 99% of the multiplayer sessions won't work. Every time I click on one, say a multiplayer session or a session that someone has created I get a message that states "The selected session cannot currently be used for multiplayer. The session, the route, or some dependencies are not built-in and are not available on the Download Station". How is that possible when I got the route, session, and content from DLS? I have the current trainz 2012 build, so that can't be the problem. Any resolutions to this consisting problem? Thanks for the help in advance.
Quote a couple of routes, someone will help.

Multiplayer Niddertalbahn Rebuild
Multiplayer Industrial
Mosti-Balezino Official MP
Hawes Junction Multiplayer
Harbor Master TS12 Multiplayer

Those are a few.
My Dragons Pass wont work I know and i'm working on a fix for the 1500 time its not easey to fix the dam errors turst me its as anoyeing as hell. :eek:
Does CMP show that there are any missing assets for the route and the session that goes with the route? At one time all the needed assets had to be on the DLS as the DLS will not let you upload a multiplayer sesson if this is not the case. Other times the game will say there is a problem with an asset that works perfectly fine and I have had to delete and reinstall the asset.
Welcom to my would. Ok guys beta test the Dragons Pass MPV5.5 I just uploaded the dam thing see if it is even going to work this time.
How is that possible when I got the route, session, and content from DLS? I have the current trainz 2012 build, so that can't be the problem.
Even though you claim to have the latest build, could you still confirm that it is indeed 49922?

Next: Do you run TS12 on windows 7 as administrator? If not, start with doing that.
Another thing: You think you got all dependencies, but you might not. Go to CM and be 105% sure you got all dependencies.

A last anoying thing: You got a more recent version of an asset from an external source. I think the Maria Pass gets you one or two of those. You have to have the items from the DLS only; a more recent version of an asset will make it impossible for you to join.
I've had this problem on several items. I find that if it a new item going to the CM and downloading it directly usually works. If it is an update, deleting the item then going to the CM and downloading the item works.

This may be the 1 billionth time you've seen a thread like this, but I can't seem to find an answer to my problem. 99% of the multiplayer sessions won't work. Every time I click on one, say a multiplayer session or a session that someone has created I get a message that states "The selected session cannot currently be used for multiplayer. The session, the route, or some dependencies are not built-in and are not available on the Download Station". How is that possible when I got the route, session, and content from DLS? I have the current trainz 2012 build, so that can't be the problem. Any resolutions to this consisting problem? Thanks for the help in advance.
I have written detailed instructions on how to join a session in the thread a little way below this one "How to join a multiplayer session" I am in the teamspeak channel now if you want to talk to me. I have just closed Montana Rail Link 2.4 and are upgrading to 2.5 as I type. I hope to start a new session in the next few minutes. The more drivers the better.


I am trying to get onto an MP session.

Have UMR - Summer. Downloaded Teamspeak3 (client version)...

How do I use Teamspeak?

I tried putting in the IP address as server address, but don't have password.

- Cam

In the Server Address box, type (Or copy and paste) this:

Leave the password field blank.

For a nickname, it is good to use your first name, then put your username in brackets. Mine reads: Kieran (captainkman).

If you need help, the others in Team Speak are willing to help. There is a Trainz Lobby and a UMR channel, and channels for other sessions like USA Prototype.

In the Server Address box, type (Or copy and paste) this:

Leave the password field blank.

For a nickname, it is good to use your first name, then put your username in brackets. Mine reads: Kieran (captainkman).

Thanks. Have logged in. Can see now.

Will try properly later.

- Cam