Problems with Generic Steam Heatbag


Trainz Member
Once again, I'm having trouble with assets. This time, the Generic steam heatbags (coupled and uncoupled) have errors..Errors which made my MK1 Coaches not work (and a few engines as well; 9Fs in this case)
The errors are:
Error: MeshData: databaseLoad - cannot load mesh: 'steamheat_uncoupled/'


Error: The tag 'mesh-asset' is not permitted within this container. (Container type 'default')

Errors occured in TC3. Any fixes?
I'm not familiar with the asset, but I think the mesh its self is missing from the model.

Could you post up the config.txt file for us to look? It might only be a matter of deleting that reference from the config.txt file.

When replying, click on the Go Advanced button and use the code option (looks like a #) to keep the config.txt together.
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If it's one of these
<kuid2:101839:39:3> Generic Steam Heat bag, coupled
<kuid2:101839:40:3> Generic Steam Heat bag, uncoupled

Flipping mesh library again, <kuid2:101839:60002:1> beginning to hate the things.

Check if it's modified if so Revert to original.
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kuid                            <kuid2:101839:40:3>
mesh-table {
    default {
        mesh-asset                <kuid2:101839:60002:1>
        mesh                    ""
        auto-create                1
thumbnails {
    0 {
        image                    "$screenshot$.jpg"
        width                    240
        height                    180
trainz-build                        2.9
category-class                        "HM"
username                        "Generic Steam Heat bag, uncoupled"
author                            "Rob Hill (LieLestoSbrat)"
organisation                        "Lesto Route Works"
contact-email                        ""
contact-website                        ""
license                            "This content is for use with licensed Auran Trainz software and shall not be modified and redistributed without the authors written permission and ackowledgement in the rereleased assets. Modification for personal use is not permissable without any such communication.Any screenshots of modifications are not to be posted on the internet or distributed without the authors written permission. Inclusion of any asset in any payware is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is sought and agreed."
kind                            "mesh"
username-pl                        "Typowy pojemnik na parę, rozprzężony"
username-cz                        "Parní potrubí, rozpojené"
username-es                        "Bolsa de vapor genérica, desacoplada"
kuid-table {
    mesh-asset                    <kuid2:101839:60002:1>

their config is the same I think
With the builtin mesh library in TANE, the steam bag assets are not faulty here. Can't check TC3 as no longer have it installed, put bluntly it's too old now to worth me bothering with.
Mesh assets are not compatible with TC3
You need to use TC3 versions of those assets.