Problem with the route that has Desert Run

What dependancies are you missing?

If you don't have TrainzObjects, go to the Downloads section of the home page (not the Download Station), scroll down to the bottom and get it.
Ask it nicely, and it'll go through the layouts and tell you what dependancies are missing. (Usually track. People love using exotic track.)

:cool: Claude
Official Suggestion:
I've downloaded Desert Run, got the official Black Screen and inspected the route.
It's a pretty cool little run, with only the scenery needed to make a desert, just a few buildings for the town, and a coal/power plant loop.
I'm not sure what it's missing, but the track and industries are there, all the track seems connected and the signals, speed signs and junction levers are present and accounted for.
I'm guessing it's missing a few buildings from third party websites. The easiest answer is to go to the dropdown menu at the topo of the screen, delete missing assets and save. That should clean up the black screen without doing any noticable harm to the layout.

:cool: Claude
well you didnt answer if it was in fact my map, but what are the kuid's your missing??
"well im missing tracks in over half the route."
doesnt help any
There are 2 routes with the phrase, "desert run," in them.
On DLS, there's Desert Run by starlightfoamer KUID:99001:301
At TLW, there's HighDesertRun by SpookyMufu (don't know KUID#)
Please specify which route is being discussed.
The name of the route is actually desert wood and I'm using 2004. It's the track. All the track except for the bridges and the RR xings is missing!
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Since you have TRS2004, you can use Tafweb's TrainzObjects, which is available on his website.
Be sure to read the tutorial carefully before you open the program for the first time. It will go through every asset you downloaded and do a check on everything. The first time will be a slow process of correcting every typo and missing kuid, after that it will start faster. You need to know how to make the corrections it asks for.
Once it finishes opening, you can do a check on the routes, and it will make a list of missing assets. Bring the list back here and tell us what the missing track is.

:D Claude

i have two errors the map doesnt show and i downloaded AM P40 but in the error log says missing horn asset NULL-KUID I Realy want a am p40 And i have utc