Problem Assets Fixed


Well-known member
Yesterday I had several assets showing a variety of several types of error conditions make life a little more nasty.

This seems to happen periodically to me. The Database shows something that worked yesterday as now with some bad condition. Then a day or two later it is ok. Thinking that a critical asset was now listed as bad, I spent time making a "work around". There seems to be - well who knows what happens. So, things look good today with the Database. I checked, and it looks like commands and rules that had been missing to unusable, are ok. So, I will clean up the things I fixed, which I did not have to fix.

I want to thank Tony and his crew for making my Saturday miserable. It helps me to have stronger appreciation for the good days.

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I've had things like this happen as well, but in my case it was because something I updated had a faulty script and that caused everything else to fall down.

What exactly happened?

What kind of errors?

Knock on wood (head), I had a good Trainzing day yesterday where things worked fine. I was in Surveyor for well over 4 hours then drove for an hour before I fell asleep at the controls! :hehe::eek: