Power lines


New member
Hello all,
recently I was looking for some good american style power lines for a route I'm building. Namely, the H-frame style wooden ones you see around. Someone mentioned that there are some newLEP ones on the DLS, but they've been deleted. Anywhere else I could find some?

There's a ton of them with the same name up on the DLS.

The content creator is wedge_antillies.

Unfortunately the thumbnail he uses doesn't show this specific power line; he uses a generic picture instead for all his power lines.

Is something like this what you're looking for?


This specific one is called "Laurel Line Powerline #3" and is available on the DLS.

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Yes that's precisely what I want! The wedge_antilles ones have been deleted, when I tried to download, the DLS searches for the asset, but does not download.

Cheers :)
TUME made some smaller ones as well. But the Laurel Lines Power lines are some of the best scenery spline Power Lines I've ever found. Now the trick is finding good Sub-Station Assets ~.^.
