Possible powerful tool: Google Earth

I have started to try and create more realistic routes (not getting far but hey) and i have found Google Earthe (free version) to be a powerful asset. It may be slightly outdated, but the rail lines are almost all threre. it has helped me loads in getting the basic shapes of tracks. The only reason it may not be useful: the lack of some items in Trainz, and some areas are a little bkurry. For the most part though, it is a great tool. Can be downloaded here: http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html
People have been using Google earth in route-building for quite some time now...

Still, can't beat a good ol' map!

Google Earth

I have been using Map Quest and Google Earth in building my Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.

If you zoom in on Map Quest you can get track direction and street names. Using Google Earth gives detailed view of the infrastructure.

Sounds like there are other space view programs out there and I'll certainly try them, especially the 3D version.

Have great fun and share your valuable knowledge.

With Virtual Earth you can count the ties / sleepers.

Well, that depends on where you're at. Where I live, I can just make out the sheds and barn. No images are available at the two highest zoom levels. But then I don't suppose cows are considered dangerous military-wise.
Western Pennsylvania No Go......

Well, that depends on where you're at. Where I live, I can just make out the sheds and barn. No images are available at the two highest zoom levels. But then I don't suppose cows are considered dangerous military-wise.

Yup, all of western pennsylvania will not go to highest zoom levels.:mad:
Hoho your right on that one, if I want to look at my old house in Scranton? A great blur is all I see, mostly if I want to look at a place that bad I get on my bicycle and go.

I had to Go Advanced...

:cool: If your dangling image programs, NASA World Wind 1.4, is an excellent source, that has better resolution.

TransDEM, is a payware program, that can take images from Google Earth, and make tiles that snap in place in Surveyor, to a elevation map, so that the terrain, is as accurate as the scenery.

The clearest satellite images, as well as the real-time satellite images, are only found on payware programs, such as Google Earth Pro, at $499 per year!
And to think that my dads POS VW Jetta cost less:cool:, what I find interesting is that for North Korea:eek: there are some good satellite shots. But for everywhere I live it is horribly blurred, which I find annoying as certain railways of interest to me are blurred as well.

Some countries, at their request, have had Google and other mapping sites intentionally blur their pictures. Here is the US, for example, Google Earth has blurred the Loma Prieta Nuclear Power Plant in California, but MS Mapping leaves it normal. Countries like Indonesia and India have made blurring requests also. So, it may not be Google's fault if you can't see what you want.

Somehow I don't see what Scranton PA or Bad Aibling Germany has of any military or tactical value, the only possible thing would be the former US Army base in Bad Aibling. But its been abandoned for years.
