Hey All
Recently there has been much discussion and debate about signature sizes here on the Forum. The Auran Trainz Code of Conduct that all Trainzers should be familiar with reads as follow :
Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:
Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.
There's really no ambiguity here. The purpose of the size limitation is to not allow for large images in signature banners that can cause a forum page to take forever to load for some Trainzers. It's a matter of courtesy.
A few have posted to the effect that Auran doesn't care about this provision in the Code of Conduct or that the Moderators don't enforce it. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I suggest that each Trainzer who thinks that her/his signature banner might be outside the line should do the following. Right click on your sig and select "Properties" from the menu. This will give you the size dimensions and also total file size.
If yours is over the top please bring it to within the limits set.
Recently there has been much discussion and debate about signature sizes here on the Forum. The Auran Trainz Code of Conduct that all Trainzers should be familiar with reads as follow :
Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:
Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.
There's really no ambiguity here. The purpose of the size limitation is to not allow for large images in signature banners that can cause a forum page to take forever to load for some Trainzers. It's a matter of courtesy.
A few have posted to the effect that Auran doesn't care about this provision in the Code of Conduct or that the Moderators don't enforce it. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I suggest that each Trainzer who thinks that her/his signature banner might be outside the line should do the following. Right click on your sig and select "Properties" from the menu. This will give you the size dimensions and also total file size.
If yours is over the top please bring it to within the limits set.