PLEASE READ - Permissable Signature Size in the Auran Trainz Forum

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Hey All

Recently there has been much discussion and debate about signature sizes here on the Forum. The Auran Trainz Code of Conduct that all Trainzers should be familiar with reads as follow :

Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:

Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.

There's really no ambiguity here. The purpose of the size limitation is to not allow for large images in signature banners that can cause a forum page to take forever to load for some Trainzers. It's a matter of courtesy.

A few have posted to the effect that Auran doesn't care about this provision in the Code of Conduct or that the Moderators don't enforce it. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I suggest that each Trainzer who thinks that her/his signature banner might be outside the line should do the following. Right click on your sig and select "Properties" from the menu. This will give you the size dimensions and also total file size.

If yours is over the top please bring it to within the limits set.


To give some perspective, my banner is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high and uses 7668 bytes disk space. My old banner was too big and I got a warning for it, so I designed this one.

And I'm still seing many at 150 to 180 or so high, and some are 829 wide (well actually he/she has 400+429 wide), which makes it hard to read.

I thought some boards, have an option that automatically resizes picture signatures.
There also needs to be some clarification here on the sizes.

Mine was within the required size, but some moderator chipped me to reduce it, which I did, but later found I had the correct size before.

I asked helpdesk for clarification and never received an answer.

If you read the code of conduct it states the sizes as:

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18. Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:

Screen shots posted to the Trainz Community Discussion Forums should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 800x600 pixels*. Any screen shots that exceed this limit will be modified to links or removed from the post altogether.

*The only exception to this is within the Screenshot forum. Screen shots posted to the Screenshot forum should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, however, if your screen shot exceeds 800x600 you are required to include the maximum resolution used in the title of the thread.

Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.

Forum avatars submitted for inclusion to the selection pool must not exceed 204 pixels in width, 30 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 3kb.

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As can be seen the size is 100 high x 800 wide and 30kb.

I was asked to reduce mine below this. The smaller size is for the linked advertising banners used elsewhere.

But since I reduced mine, it will not reset to the bigger size now.

So, how about someone clarifying the size please.

Dennis, I saw your picture at the bigger size, and yes I can say it was WITHIN the limits, as I didn't need to scroll across the screen.
I detest signature images with a vengence. If a person responds more than once to a post, all you see is his or her silly banner. I know some people need to be seen (especially those with web sites) but surely the size of Jack's signature (above) is adequate for that. It would be really great if Auran could add an option to the the UserCP that would allow people like myself to turn all signature graphics OFF! If the option already exists, please tell me about it because I have looked and i want to use it NOW!
I got one quick question. and yes I've contacted the Helpdesk about responce.

what are the rules for using multipul images. for instance, I had 2 images both linked to 2 seperate websites I was/am apart of. Is it that both need to total up to 800w x 100h x 32k, or can each, or what?

my personal preference, is that the total size be not more than 800w x 100h but each image be allowed 32k.

We needed this...

:cool: golly it's the spitting image, the defining factor, up front and personal...



PerRock, please give just a teenzy weenzy little bit of consideration for those running on dialup or slow ADSL. These users also read forum posts and the last thing they want is to wait for your ads to load. Have you considered using a photoshop type program to join two images and have each half activate a different link. If you already have web pages, doing something like this should be a piece of cake. All the software is free.
PerRock, please give just a teenzy weenzy little bit of consideration for those running on dialup or slow ADSL. These users also read forum posts and the last thing they want is to wait for your ads to load. Have you considered using a photoshop type program to join two images and have each half activate a different link. If you already have web pages, doing something like this should be a piece of cake. All the software is free.

doing such a thing in html is easy as pie. the problem comes into play when you are restricted to using the BBcode. however I do agree that having something like a "disable signatures" option would be nice, even better (although I have no clue how this would effect someone using dialup) is to have an option of "minimize" signatures, whereas clicking on a little
(or something similar) would then show that persons sig.

Johnk said:
I detest signature images with a vengence.
If they are within the guidelines, turn the signatures off, but it will disable all signatures, including text-only ones.

Johnk said:
PerRock, please give just a teenzy weenzy little bit of consideration for those running on dialup or slow ADSL. These users also read forum posts and the last thing they want is to wait for your ads to load.
Johnk, his existing signature (unlike a few weeks/months ago or so!) is within the guidelines, and we're on dialup, yet have no problem with his signature.

PerRock, why not use a program such as Micro$oft Publisher, and join three pictures there in a group, then save them as one picture?

But on the other hand, I would like the images to only have a maximum width of 600x
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joining the images isn't the problem. the problem occurs when you wish to have one part of the image link to one website and another part link somewhere else. BBcode doesn't allow for that (or at least the BBcode here)

John, I'm not certain if you know this, but in your "User CP", under "Edit Options" you have the following choices:

Visible Post ElementsYou have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.
Show Signatures
Show Avatars
Show Images (including attached images and images in code)

I would think that would work for you, unless you want a specific option to only remove the images in the signatures, and I would guess that may be a bit too specific!;)
joining the images isn't the problem. the problem occurs when you wish to have one part of the image link to one website and another part link somewhere else. BBcode doesn't allow for that (or at least the BBcode here)


I'm sure you can do the two images with some creative fudging in between, and still have the two embedded links, but then you're back to two images equaling the one image size restriction.
I'm sure you can do the two images with some creative fudging in between, and still have the two embedded links, but then you're back to two images equaling the one image size restriction.

thanks for bringing the conversation full circle:o... any mod or admin wana give me a hint as to what to do???
It's easy it would seem. The max signature banner limitations are specific. Whatever image(s) you have in the signature banner space in your posts should not exceed the limitation set forth by Auran in the Auran Trainz Code of Conduct.


:o... any mod or admin wanna give me a hint as to what to do?

:cool: PerRock, Your banner fits the color 800x100 pixel template in post #9 in this thread...

You have evidently used the max # of links allowed in the banner....

You done good!

i have one question AJ.

would it be ok to have 101 pixels in height and 805 pixels in width?

i found a really cool image that was that size.
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