Places that aren't as close as they are in the movies.


Trainzing since 12-2003
Up to a few years ago I was severe storm chasing in the Midwest US. We traveled through many famous, and not so famous places. On one particular trip, we past through a couple of famous places - places made famous by the old TV show Gun Smoke. I chuckled to myself at the time because we hit both of those places on the same day on this trip.

We spent the afternoon in and around Dodge City, even stopped for lunch there. A few of us walked over to take a look at the old stuffed Santa Fe locomotive near the station. I've since lost my pictures from that trip, otherwise I'd post them...

A bit later, we traveled west and ended up in southeastern Colorado. During our travels, we passed through Kit Carson, CO. There's a railroad museum there and a Wild West exhibit. We didn't stop, but I could see the shebang from the road - there wasn't much to see... in fact nothing much to see in the town as we passed through quickly on US40.

What's funny about the TV show is the actors journeyed between Dodge City and Kit Carson like it was nothing. This journey between these two places in real life is about 250 miles or a 3-1/2 hour drive. (About 400 km)!
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The movie "Hell On Wheels" is like that, with cowboys riding horseback to San Francisco, and back, in no time

My sister lives in the extreme western panhandle of Nebraska, and it takes at least 19 hours to get there from the east coast, by plane, and via the vomit comet twin engine shuttle
No they don't serve meals, as the plane hops, and bops along, going up 150', then down 150', like an out of control rollercoaster airplane ride in the sky, the engine noise so loud that you hold your ears the entire way, children wailing and faces turning red, all passengers baaf bags out and ready to use, just in case, and you couldn't even keep coca cola inside a can as it would jump right out ... it feels so claustrophobic that you feel like you are flying inside a cardboard paper towel tube, and can assimilate what a gerbil feels like inside a hamster habitrail ... I guess you could eat space meals from a squeeze tube like the astronauts do
The vomit comet is a terrible way to fly...I hear they don't serve inflight meals.

I wonder why...???:confused:

The other place that gets mentioned too in Westerns is Kicking Horse Pass, which is located up in the Canadian Rockies nearly 1600 miles from Dodge City, or nearly 2600 km.

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OR if you have FSX you can be the aero-hogger for the Vomit Comet. Exhilarating without the sense of nausea! :D
Keeping a (tentative) railway connection how about Back To The Future 3 where the action starts in Monument Valley but is supposed to be all set in central California (I believe rail scenes were shot on the Sierra RR), in reality several hundred miles apart.

Perhaps more of a continuity thing, but the "Orient Express" in the James Bond movie From Russia With Love is on at least one occasion a steam hauled train pounding through suburbia on the (then) Southern Region of BR, complete with Mark One coaches rather than Wagon Lits traversing the mountains and forests of Eastern Europe!
Keeping a (tentative) railway connection how about Back To The Future 3 where the action starts in Monument Valley but is supposed to be all set in central California (I believe rail scenes were shot on the Sierra RR), in reality several hundred miles apart.

Perhaps more of a continuity thing, but the "Orient Express" in the James Bond movie From Russia With Love is on at least one occasion a steam hauled train pounding through suburbia on the (then) Southern Region of BR, complete with Mark One coaches rather than Wagon Lits traversing the mountains and forests of Eastern Europe!

Yes! I remember that with the Orient Express.

In another movie, "The Great Valentine" with Gene Wilder that is supposed to take place in the 1920s, the actors are riding on a steam-hauled train of course. In the background in one of the scenes is a modern BNSF freight train with bright green boxcars. Only us railroad enthusiasts would know something like this. Right!