Pixelating and Blacked out assets


New member
Hi there,

I have TS10 and I am currently working on the Henley branchline and I'm using various items of scenery and lineseide equipment etc and I don't know how but most if not probably all asset items including trains are faulty in some way. Some items are blacked out such as a level crossing sign lineside that would usually work without problems is now blacked out. This is just one example of a blacked out item. The other problem is some items are also pixelated. What I mean by this is a station building for example would be sort of colorful pixelated or even transparent pixelated. I am also having problems naming signs. I click on a sign I want to name but the naming tab does not load up and causes me not to move around properly unless I press ESC.

I tried edit/commit methods and also be doing database repairs and they don't work.

I would be grateful if you know any useful info or anyway to fix this problem.

Thank you.