Picture Tags


Hardcore Steam Breather
I've noticed with some railroads people do two things when you see them in the driver and surveyor menu. Oftentimes they put a little picture of the railroad over on the right of the screen and they add a description of the railroad. I know how to add a description for scenarios but not the route itself. How do I add these two things?
Are you talking about the right or the left of the screen and what version of Trainz, because they differ. If you are talking about the left of the screen, and TRS2006 then the description is the description that you place in the route or session's config file. You can do it from the edit route tab while in Survyor. The picture is a jpg placed in the file folder after you open it for edit. The jpg should be 512 x 512 pixels in size, and you need the following code in the config file:

image "thumbnail.jpg"
width 240
height 180
image "splash_512.jpg"

The "splash_512" can be any name you choose.