M Mallard2007 New member May 7, 2015 #1 Does anybody know were I can find the patch for TS 12 SP1 hot fix 4 patch , my build is(57720) I need the next patch up. Thank you Mallard 2007
Does anybody know were I can find the patch for TS 12 SP1 hot fix 4 patch , my build is(57720) I need the next patch up. Thank you Mallard 2007
K Kennilworth Active member May 7, 2015 #2 Hi Have a look on the Announcements page where the patches are linked from stickies. Regards Brian
C captainkman You are reading this. May 7, 2015 #3 http://www.auran.com/servicepacks Always a good one to bookmark or memorise. 57720 - 61388 involves only one patch, too. http://download2.ts2009.com/57720_to_61388.exe Kieran.
http://www.auran.com/servicepacks Always a good one to bookmark or memorise. 57720 - 61388 involves only one patch, too. http://download2.ts2009.com/57720_to_61388.exe Kieran.