Past or Present

There is. Go to the Google App Store and you can download it. It cost me about $5.00 way back a few years ago.

Now to be honest, I consider it a waste of money. It's slow and it looks like UTC or it's based on that product. From what I recall reading somewhere, sometime in the forums here, the product was developed by a third-party and N3V just sold it.

Purchase at your own risk...
What i'm looking for is a driver mode version of trainz to put in my asus tablet or notebook to take to train shows for demonstration purpose's only. Not looking to do route building or anything like that.
What i'm looking for is a driver mode version of trainz to put in my asus tablet or notebook to take to train shows for demonstration purpose's only. Not looking to do route building or anything like that.

You are looking for a 'Driver' version, but the starting point is decide on the device. That will determine the products that are available.
The "Driver" version will run on pretty much any Android tablet. What you want will be the Driver variant. It looks different to normal desktop Trainz, but it shows the game engine enough for what you'd want it for.

There appears to be a verison of Trainz "THD" on the Amazon app store that doesn't seem to have the Tegra chipset restriction. If you want you could try that and see if it works. Just type "Trainz" in Amazon and it's called Trainz Simulator HD. It looks exactly like desktop Trainz but with touch controls.

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Hi everybody.
John Citron is quite right where he states in his above posting that the Android version looks very “UTC” as it was developed quite a few years ago now and is therefore very “outdated” compared to many of the apps now available for the platform.

There was an Apple iOS version released for iPad last year which N3V stated was downloaded by over half a million users in the first weekend of release. I have no idea of the quality of the app as I do not own any Apple/Mac devices.

I do really believe however that N3V need to bring forward a new Trainz app for Android as that platform is now two thirds of the entire mobile market. With mobile devices rapidly becoming ever more powerful the graphics and speed of many of the gaming applications available is now stunning.

That is not to say that the graphics and performance as yet would rival a very high end PC system running Trainz (not wishing to start a flame war). However a new Trainz Android version could be very attractive in many ways to the millions of Google Android gamers, as well as being a very large revenue stream for the whole Trainz franchise.

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Right now I take my laptop to shows and it's great for selling Trainz,however if I could find one for my windows 10 notebook or my tablet that would be better. Tired of hauling around my laptop if you know what I mean.
Right now I take my laptop to shows and it's great for selling Trainz,however if I could find one for my windows 10 notebook or my tablet that would be better. Tired of hauling around my laptop if you know what I mean.

The win 10 notebook or tablet may if you select the content very very carefully and set the sliders. The biggest challenge will be does it support directx11.

Cheerio John
Hi everybody.
John Citron is quite right where he states in his above posting that the Android version looks very “UTC” as it was developed quite a few years ago now and is therefore very “outdated” compared to many of the apps now available for the platform.

There was an Apple iOS version released for iPad last year which N3V stated was downloaded by over half a million users in the first weekend of release. I have no idea of the quality of the app as I do not own any Apple/Mac devices.

I do really believe however that N3V need to bring forward a new Trainz app for Android as that platform is now two thirds of the entire mobile market. With mobile devices rapidly becoming ever more powerful the graphics and speed of many of the gaming applications available is now stunning.

That is not to say that the graphics and performance as yet would rival a very high end PC system running Trainz (not wishing to start a flame war). However a new Trainz Android version could be very attractive in many ways to the millions of Google Android gamers, as well as being a very large revenue stream for the whole Trainz franchise.


Just as soon as you find a way to defy the laws of physics let us know.

Thanks John
The fact that there are comparatively few posts in the Android sub-forum indicates that there is probably insufficient interest for N3V to be able to make it an ongoing commercial success. The problem as I understand it is unlike the IPad and IPhone, there are "57 varieties" or more of Android where each supplier tailors his own version.
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Hi everybody
The fact that there are comparatively few posts in the Android sub-forum indicates that there is probably insufficient interest for N3V to be able to make it an ongoing commercial success. The problem as I understand it is unlike the IPad and IPhone, there are "57 varieties" or more of Android where each supplier tailors his own version.

Teddyfoot, you are quite right in stating there are very many different versions of Android. However, the affect of changes made by the various devise manufacturers is normally limited to the front end of the operating system. Therefore vertualy all apps produced run on all devises whatever the manufactor. The only limitation on apps would be on the version of android the devise is running. By example, a devise running Android 3.2 may not run a app written in android 5.0, but even that is unusual as backward compatibility is very strong in android apps.

It is somewhat more complex than the above, but I am watching the Olympics at the minute with the UK winning four gold medals in the last couple of hours. So, GO UK.

Will explain further if requested later, but for now back to Olympics on TV and Android tablet.:D

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It seems that TS12 works on my asus notebook with windows 10. Got sliders set between low and normal. Draw distance is between 2,000 - 3,000 The new era had a little jerkiness to it so went to 12. Good for train show demonstration's. Still looking for a good driver version for the notebook.
Hi everybody.
I do really believe however that N3V need to bring forward a new Trainz app for Android as that platform is now two thirds of the entire mobile market. With mobile devices rapidly becoming ever more powerful the graphics and speed of many of the gaming applications available is now stunning.

Sadly I don't see that happening for a very long time, they may have changed their thoughts, but last I heard N3V believes that the majority of Android users are thieves and so they won't make software for them. It's sad that they choose to punish Android users for their fallacies.

It is currently planned that Trainz: A New Era will be ported to iOS and Android later in 2015. Unfortunately we don't have the resources to devote to port TS2 to Android. Perhaps if 90% of Android users decided to buy apps, there would be a far greater incentive to service the market (which doesn't help those users who do pay for their apps of course).

Hi everybody.
Perock, in regard to your posting at # 15 of this thread, I have to agree with you that in reality I do not expect to see development of a new Trainz Android application in the near future. That could change however if the N3V management have (or would) develop a different attitude to the Android platform.

In calling ninety percent of Android users “thieves” N3V demonstrated a complete lack of any perception of how the Google play market works. With every respect to Tony Hiliman, but does it not occur to him and others that you do not create the world's first commercially valued trillion dollar company (that being Google) if ninety percent of your customers are stealing your product from the Organisation.

Many apps on the Google play store are free to download. However, Revenue is then generated for the app(s) either through advertizing within the application or through in app purchases while the software is in use. I believe that the foregoing is an excellent system as it gives users a chance to evaluate applications on their devices before spending any amount of money. If users then like an application they can improve the product by way of in app purchase or buying the ad-free version.

It is forecast that the total revenue of the mobile market will exceed the combined revenues of the PC and console market for the first time this year. Within that huge and ever growing mobile platform Google Android now has command over what analysts believe is two thirds of that sales total. Therefore would it not be in the interest of N3V and the WHOLE trainz community if “a piece of that action” was carved out afresh for this franchise.

AS can be seen from my above station stops upto and including Trainz twelve I purchased almost every version released. I have not made any purchases from N3V since the Management issued their “thieves” insulting statement to myself and all other Android users on this forum.

I have made any number of purchases through the Google play store the latest being “Unmatched Air Traffic Control” for my Sony gaming tablet. The foregoing is an excellent app with great graphics in which I have spent thirty eight dollars by way in-app purchases in the first ten days.

I still love running Trainz on my PC, but that and Train Simulator are the only software now left running on it as everything else is now carried out on the mobile platform. Undoubtedly had a new Trainz Android app been developed then I would have been buying in-app purchases for that also. Along with the foregoing, had the “thieves” statement not had been made I may even have bought T:ane by now for my PC (perhaps).

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Hi everybody.
Perock, in regard to your posting at # 15 of this thread, I have to agree with you that in reality I do not expect to see development of a new Trainz Android application in the near future. That could change however if the N3V management have (or would) develop a different attitude to the Android platform.

In calling ninety percent of Android users “thieves” N3V demonstrated a complete lack of any perception of how the Google play market works. With every respect to Tony Hiliman, but does it not occur to him and others that you do not create the world's first commercially valued trillion dollar company (that being Google) if ninety percent of your customers are stealing your product from the Organisation.

Many apps on the Google play store are free to download. However, Revenue is then generated for the app(s) either through advertizing within the application or through in app purchases while the software is in use. I believe that the foregoing is an excellent system as it gives users a chance to evaluate applications on their devices before spending any amount of money. If users then like an application they can improve the product by way of in app purchase or buying the ad-free version.

It is forecast that the total revenue of the mobile market will exceed the combined revenues of the PC and console market for the first time this year. Within that huge and ever growing mobile platform Google Android now has command over what analysts believe is two thirds of that sales total. Therefore would it not be in the interest of N3V and the WHOLE trainz community if “a piece of that action” was carved out afresh for this franchise.

AS can be seen from my above station stops upto and including Trainz twelve I purchased almost every version released. I have not made any purchases from N3V since the Management issued their “thieves” insulting statement to myself and all other Android users on this forum.

I have made any number of purchases through the Google play store the latest being “Unmatched Air Traffic Control” for my Sony gaming tablet. The foregoing is an excellent app with great graphics in which I have spent thirty eight dollars by way in-app purchases in the first ten days.

I still love running Trainz on my PC, but that and Train Simulator are the only software now left running on it as everything else is now carried out on the mobile platform. Undoubtedly had a new Trainz Android app been developed then I would have been buying in-app purchases for that also. Along with the foregoing, had the “thieves” statement not had been made I may even have bought T:ane by now for my PC (perhaps).


Let’s start by looking at what a content creator aims their content at. These days it’s a CPU with plenty of cache and something like a GTX1060.

So hardware, what are we looking at and why are caches so important? On the Android side primarily we want to browse the web, write an email, view a video. Oh and we want to do this whilst the unit is unplugged so low power requirements dominate. Note the video side of things these days is a compressed file and it is displayed by a hardware chip, no CPU requirements worth talking about.

Unfortunately in TANE we have to render the images, this is quite different from displaying a video. One of my wagons takes a minute or two to render in Blender. Look at one of the more detailed creations and you could be looking at a couple of hours for Blender to render it. We need 24 frames or scenes per second for moving pictures, so whatever it is had better be fast. Those videos you saw with CGI (Computer-generated imagery) remember that those scenes took several hours to render per frame then the completed frames are placed in order in the film.

So what do people who want a lot of processing done ie a supercomputer use? It turns out they use an nVidia processor called Tesla, which these days is more or less a GTX 1080.

“If it runs on my machine, the performance is fine” that’s a quote from more than ten years ago on the Trainz forum and things haven’t changed that much.

So what are content creators running and why does it matter? Generally speaking they’ll be using an i7 with a GTX1060, not all of them but a fair number. Why well a recent comment was “I don’t make content for TS12 any more, TANE does a lot better with the textures.” Personally I’m still giving my content a 3.5 version number but I’m creating in TANE. Have a look at some of my recent stuff, with “early detailed” or just “detailed” if you like BR era stuff, in the title, it runs in TS12 but at 15,000 polys for a wagon its designed for TANE on an i7 with a GTX1060 or perhaps a GTX 980. They look a lot better than my wagons for TRS2004.

On the CPU the biggest problem most of the time is getting stuff in and out of the CPU, getting the next instruction from memory or heaven help us the hard drive. Memory these days on a desktop that is suitable for TANE is dual channel, DDR4 etc but its latency is roughly 13 nano seconds, by building memory into the chip we can get much higher speeds and basically we read a chunk into the cache then the CPU reads from the cache which effectively gives us 90% of the cache memory speed for 5% of the cost. A Xeon or an i7 CPU are the ones with decent caches. Memory most will be using 12 gigs or more, a Nexus 7 which is fairly high end, has 2 gigs of memory, it has 32 gigs of flash which is roughly an SSD.

The GTX1060 well its cheaper than a GTX 1080 or a Titan X.

So that’s the ideal hardware since its what content creators generally use. You can get away with less but you’re skimping. That GTX1060 has over a thousand cores by the way each of which are comparable in processing power to some of the older Intel CPUs.

For the most part the content creators will be running the same version of Windows 10 and that’s nice as it isolates the software from the hardware. On the Android side things are a little different. I have three Nexus 7 tablets, one has updated to Android 6 about a year ago, one will never update its hardware doesn’t include the necessary whatevers that Android 6 requires, one should upgrade sometime but I can’t tell it when to upgrade. So using Google devices I cannot be sure which operating system is available. Using non Google devices don’t even talk about versions of Android they’re all over the place. So if I’m creating for Android and want a stable environment forget unless you’re doing something very simple which in fairness is what it is designed to do. Processing power about the same as four cores on the video card.

On the software environment side, Microsoft has spent a ton of time and money optimising performance on the graphic side, Directx is the result, and its good and solid. There is nothing like it in the Android environment.

So basically it is very unlikely you’ll see full blown TANE on Android, the basic hardware doesn’t cut it. You can always go to youtube and watch a video made in TANE but that’s about the limit.

Cheerio John
Johnwhellan, I was not referring to having T:ane on Android. As you wiil see if you read my posting correctly at #16 of this thread, I stated " a piece of the action was carved out afresh for this franchise. I do not believe that New era would run on even the highest spec mobilesb as N3V seem to have had enough trouble getting it running on the highest PCs

A new android version is required in line with what would run on todays high end android devices. Therefore with every respect please read postings compleatly before replying.


Johnwhellan, I was not referring to having T:ane on Android. As you wiil see if you read my posting correctly at #16 of this thread, I stated " a piece of the action was carved out afresh for this franchise. I do not believe that New era would run on even the highest spec mobilesb as N3V seem to have had enough trouble getting it running on the highest PCs

A new android version is required in line with what would run on todays high end android devices. Therefore with every respect please read postings compleatly before replying.



Try cut and paste for my name sometime and you might even spell it correctly.

The content creators are important because without them TANE is nothing. What would be your minimum cut off point for Android hardware / software version by the way?

What content would you expect to run?


Cheerio John