Passenger enabled stock and stations


New member
I am a newcomer to Trainz having just purchased TRAINZ 2004 (UK)
I have been designing simple full scale layouts of my local routes
and would like to load and unload passengers.
I have read on the forum that Passenger enabled stock and stations are needed.
I have no idea how to identify the above from the list(s) in Surveyor.
Could someone point me in the right direction please.
Thank you.
Best Wishes
Hi Edward, and a big welcome to the Trainz Forum, and to this board in particular, because this is where all of us 2004 'Addicts' hang out!:cool:

If you look through the DLS you should find some of the earlier stations like "Axminster" and a few others are already "passenger enabled". All you need to do is to incorporate these into your route. You can rename the stations if you wish.
There are other Passenger enabled options, but I find these stations to work really well.

Please see my previous posting re this subject, as I have been recently experiencing a few problems with those ruddy passengers!
Just like real ones, they have minds of their own!!:(
Thank you "Seward" for your speedy response.
I must admit I am finding Trainz a fairly steep learning curve.
Perhaps I am being to ambitious.
However I assume DLS means Download Station ? (Shows how new I am)
If I find these stations will it say they are Passenger enabled?
I note you are retired - I have just received my first pension payment
and am using my time to explore TRAINZ.
As a young boy I used to belong to the Ian Allan Trainspotters Club.
Do you remember that?
Hi Edward

Welcome to the world of Trainzing. Assuming that you have SP4 installed, to get you started, open the session Banks Heath TRS SP2 UK in Surveyor. All the UK rolling stock and the stations are passenger enabled. Open the TRAIN tab and click on the 'Get Train' icon at the bottom left. Then click on any of the coaches to show its image and name in the TRAIN tab. You will notice that the illustration includes an IND tick icon which indicates that this item is INDUSTRY (in this case Passenger) enabled. Any Passenger stock with this icon can be used to load/unload passengers. Many have opening doors as well. If you also open the OBJECT tab and click the 'Get Object' icon and then click a station this will give you the description of the station which is passenger enabled.

There are other UK enabled stations and passenger enabled lengths of track on the DLS around which you can place non-enabled station platforms and buildings.

Hope this helps!:)

Good luck

To get passenger enabled stations from the Download Station, go to the DLS, leave the search on "Title" and use the window below that to select buildings and do a search.
When the results come up, a new window will appear below the first search window. Use that one to narrow the search to "Passenger Stations, Interactive" or a similar phrase (I forget what it says:o ) and do another search.
For train cars, you do the same thing for rolling stock, then in the descriptions, look for things like SP-2 or Passenger Enabled. TRS2004 cars are usually, but not always, passenger enabled; Ultimate Trainz aren't, since UTC (Ultimate Trainz Collection) didn't have that feature.
Passenger Station, Basic can be used to add passengers to any station by laying the station alongside the track. If it's a non-interactive station with track already included, you'll want to connect invisible track to it to change the station track to invisible.
Did I miss any useful tips he should know about?

:cool: Claude
Efelstead wrote"
note you are retired - I have just received my first pension payment
and am using my time to explore TRAINZ.
As a young boy I used to belong to the Ian Allan Trainspotters Club.
Do you remember that?"

Hi Edward, yes, I well remember the Ian Allan Trainspotters Club, but I never joined, girls didn't do that sort of thing in those days.

I've been retired now for eighteen months, best thing I ever did! My times my own, and, yes, I spend hours, (days) on my Trainz. This time of the year, I can think of nothing nicer than shutting the curtains, and loading Trainz. Have a really good operating session, back in the West Country I remember 40 or 50 years ago.

Take your time with Trainz, Edward, it'll repay the time and effort you give it.
I've been using the programme four years this Christmas, and, I'm STILL learning!:)