Over write TANE after windows refresh?


Had to do a win8.1 refresh last night to get rid of a pesky app window that kept opening. Contrary to what windows says my TANE no longer works, the registry being nuked and all. Anyway my question is thus: if I install TANE over top the install on my D drive will it nuke my custom route and content? Maybe I should rename the old TANE folder, install new and then copy all the sub folders from the old over to the new, would that keep my custom content and such?

Real pain, programs are there for sure, but none of them work!!:confused:
**** well never mind, just tried TANE and it works now, must have been an update that was missing. If I remember correctly it was throwing a d3d or something like that.
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It depends on how you do it although the user data is stored separately from the program files when it comes to T:ANE so as long as it's pointed to the correct location it shouldn't affect things. Be aware though that if you're using the newer installer it may not let you install over an existing version.

Yeah, I think the safest thing would be to rename the old TANE folder, install new and then copy the contents of old over top. I wonder which Win8 update was missing that prevented TANE from running, strange. Well works now, and a good reminder to backup my route more often!!
I highly recommend not setting up T:ANE data in the default location and to setup it up on a separate hard drive. This will ensure that any OS reinstall won't affect the data. The OS may need to be reinstalled along with the applications, but the data is still intact, and it's only a matter of reconnecting to the data folder after the application has been setup with defaults.

Yeah that is why I moved my profile a few weeks ago, before the "refresh". I freaked when I first started TANE, my custom route gone, but I quickly remembered default points to the C drive.