Opening .cdp Files in Windows


Trainz Luvr since 2004
I recently installed then uninstalled TANE on a machine that had TS2010 installed. I want to revert back to TS210 until I'm confident with TANE and SP1.

Now windows doesn't recognize or know what to open cdp files with. How can I change this or set windows to always use CM to open cdp files?

I'm using Windows 8.1. I'm not seeing content manager as an option.

See if you can go further down that list until you find the option for Application Not Listed (or similar) - use this to locate Content Manager for the older version.

Content manager.exe for TS2010 is in the ..\TS2010\Bin folder.

It's interesting that TANE has no content manager.exe file at all. What file does it use to open .CDP files?
It uses the main TANE.exe file with a special parameter/switch. (I should know as my Trainz Protocol Changer (second edition) makes use of it).

Thanks guys I think I got it but this is driving me crazy. The icon for the cdp files has changed. Is there any way I can get the orange cdp icon back?
I'm afraid I've now created mess. I used a program called "types" to change the icon related to .cdp files. I noticed a .cdp2 file type and deleted it. Tried to change the icon but now CM will not install anything.

If I knew I was installing a beta version of TANE weeks ago I never would of even tried. This has caused me so much grief. Now TS2010 doesn't work!

Thanks NV3 for making it clear all these builds were for folks wanting to jack around with unstable versions of TANE.
@ Shane - I'm getting a "page cannot be found" error when I click on your link to the Protocol Changer (second edition) which reads;

I think it's the full stop after .exe that is causing it to misfire.

~ Deane
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I have to think using the "types" tool to delete the cdp2 type file had a negative impact. I've never heard of a cdp2 but I guess it has a purpose.

Is there another way or tool to use?
I am having significant difficulties with getting Firefox to do the right thing with cdp files. I can't go back and change Firefox actions. Duh!
I guess I didn't realize this tool messed with the registry and file associations. I've always heard don't mess with the registry unless you really know what you're doing so I might screwed.

I'm going to give Shane's tool a shot. Maybe it can fixed my registry and how the cdp files interact with CM. What I dont understand is how does Windows know to open the cdp files with CM but CM doesn't know or can't install them now. Like I mentioned I use the tool above and deleted "cdp2" type associations. Could have been fatal.

I think Shane's tool worked! All cdp files seem to installing now. Thanks for your work Shane. Now I don't have to worry bout reinstalling TS2010.