Open top autoracks and Open autoracks and vert a pacs and 1970s enclosed autoracks

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Active member
can someone make Open top autoracks and Open autoracks and vert a pacs and 1970s enclosed autoracks and upload them to the dls please?
they are like this:



Hello, and welcome to the forum. Just a word of advice, asking someone to make something around here is not taken lightly and sometimes can make others angry. However politely asking in a request thread is considered tolerable. This knowledge can very strongly help in the future. :)
As for the autoracks, there are some available here:
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I was going to comment on your recent actions, but doing so might cause more problems then solve.
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WRT your request

can someone make Open top autoracks and Open autoracks and vert a pacs and 1970s enclosed autoracks and upload them to the dls please?

You'll improve the likelihood of a positive reply if you are offering a commission.

Being a "Gimme-Pig" and acting like a 7 year old to get something you want is not a good way to act on these forums. Learn to use blender, it's not that hard to create content once you get over the learning bump. Maybe if you would of asked quite a bit nicer, I'm sure someone would have built them for you, heck, I might of considered if you would of asked in a much nicer manner.
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Friends, I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself in saying this, but I'm prepared to cut some slack to someone who has 8 (count 'em) total posts. I'll concede that the way the OP posted this request is not the way I'd make the same request myself now, but I suspect if I went back and looked at my first request for a piece of content not yet available in game (which was, by the way, on a no longer available third party forum), my request likely would not have passed muster, either. A little more tolerance for newcomers to the community cannot hurt.

I know. I remember the first thing I asked when it came to asking for models, none other then the Mister Roger's Trolley.
It is not nice to yell and demand for someone to make exactly what you want and put it where you want. Please refrain from doing this as it is extremely rude.
Friends, I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself in saying this, but I'm prepared to cut some slack to someone who has 8 (count 'em) total posts. I'll concede that the way the OP posted this request is not the way I'd make the same request myself now, but I suspect if I went back and looked at my first request for a piece of content not yet available in game (which was, by the way, on a no longer available third party forum), my request likely would not have passed muster, either. A little more tolerance for newcomers to the community cannot hurt.

Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you. It takes a bit of time to learn forum etiquette.
But if you look at John's post history, all 8 of his previous posts have been demands or off-topic.
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acting like a 7 year old
Probably because he actually is around that age.

I had a chat with him in game a few weeks ago.

He asked me same question.
In return I asked him if he wanted to walk from Canada to Mexico.
He replied no.
I told him no.

He has a hard time learning why someone would not "just" want to do months of work for him. My guess is because of his age / level of understanding, mainly because he does not understand it will indeed take so much time.
I suggest we simply ignore him, just like we do with most gimmy-pigs. Chances are he will not even read this topic ever again.
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