Ok once more round the block or (Trainz Shipping Revisited)


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
Ok it was'nt a big hit first time up but the Idea never sank
And for the "Das Boote" which keeps popping up Trainz has a Navy (in a few different Eras)...but what is this all about dreddman I hear you thinking ...............?
First of all I am going to give you a ship to interact with Pencil42's dock on the DLS The Ship Dock Trainz and the updated versions of Elvenor's wagons I did will all interact and transfer (Load & Unload) Ol West based.
Imagine Your Layout .....The plane lands at the airport you catch a cab/bus or tram to the railway station to hop a train to the dock to catch a ship accross the "Trainz Seas" to another part of your Layout World to the docks to catch a Train Bus Tram or Cab to the airport to catch a plane to do it again?
Not just a wild Idea but a working system I am converting a dock to a airport and a model of a Constelation to carry pass and goods and working on a taxi :eek: and a truck I am doing the 1940s/50s era (Steam)
I will upload the ver1 of the Steamclipper Ship to the DLS today so that anyone interested will be able to play with the concept.
Please feel free to post any Ideas you might think of .
Dreddman do you enjoy makeing us all TRY to think about what the hell your talking about :hehe:
Steamclipper Ship and HMS Hornsound uploaded today hopefully all good :o ...... Now what dont you understand Anthony? I thought I explaned myself everything is driveable and everything interactive? Rail sims will come and go but if you want the whole world .. Trainz has Rail Road Air Sea and Space LoL.......Trainz is more than a rail Simulator/game .. its a "Your world simulator" ....

Steamclipper Ship and HMS Hornsound uploaded today hopefully all good :o ...... Now what dont you understand Anthony? I thought I explaned myself everything is driveable and everything interactive? Rail sims will come and go but if you want the whole world .. Trainz has Rail Road Air Sea and Space LoL.......Trainz is more than a rail Simulator/game .. its a "Your world simulator" ....

Brilliant stuff Dreddman :D

Thank god for someone with vision. :)
Great to see you're still at it dredd :) Always pushing the bounds of this great simulator. Keep it up, this looks awesome!

ok the "Steamclipper Ship" and "HMS Hornsound" are approved and are on the DLS!......................You will need Pencil42's Dock mail old west baggage and freight products Elvenors western passengers for dock and ship
Now for my Skeptical friends the Steamclipper is far from done but I thought we needed a ship to get the dock going for you to understand
how to sail from one layout to another? :eek: Imagine starting on a UK layout hauling goods n passengers station to station to the docks where you load the ship and sail to the USA/EURO Layout to unload and go station to station LoL
look up kuid 13013 on the DLS and let your imagionation be set free!
as a newbie to this - im totally blown away!!! airport to ship is viaable - take a look at malta on google earth and check out the port and airport- only 2 miles from each other
early 1940's the JAnigma code machine was deciphered

Trainz became more than a idle idea! more than a sketch on paper....the Code was cracked ...the Sealanes became safe and a reality....COAL Powered the Trainz and Shipz accross land and sea "The polygon warz" of early computers interupted the Timeline" ......(As imagionation surpassed technology) ............Delivering the necessary freight and goods.
Accross the Trainzseaz ..united creating a Trainzplanet (useing google Earth & Dem data) the guidelines were set to create the worldz we exist in ...............................................
We set sail one rainy morning

Crew in good spirit
A fine ship we had
The Seawolves lie in waiting!

As we left the Harbour that fatefull day


The eyes above

And below we trust

Just some Trainz history before we embark on the NASA project
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